Access to Test results

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
The nurse I spoke to today, said I could register on "diabetes UK" and then access results/records from my tests, such as hba1c etc. I've gone on there but don't seem to find this part of the website? I'm based in Scotland if that matters. New to this whole thing, type 1 and not on any meds as of yet. The reason I want my results is because I have the "my diabetes" app and it seems really useful of keeping track of everything in 1 place so I'd like to store the info there too


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I get my test results off the nhs app.(you do need to registe) Do you have that in Scotland?

I can’t see why diabetes uk would or should have access to your personal health details. I think theres some confusion here. Maybe it was a suggestion to visit that site and also to access your records online as a separate thing but not made clear.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
I signed up for internet access at my GP's practice and view them via the NHS app.
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In Response

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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The nurse I spoke to today, said I could register on "diabetes UK" and then access results/records from my tests, such as hba1c etc. I've gone on there but don't seem to find this part of the website? I'm based in Scotland if that matters. New to this whole thing, type 1 and not on any meds as of yet. The reason I want my results is because I have the "my diabetes" app and it seems really useful of keeping track of everything in 1 place so I'd like to store the info there too
This forum has nothing to do with Diabetes UK.
However, they will not have access to your results - they are available from the NHS app.
No need to waste paper and get print outs
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The nurse I spoke to today, said I could register on "diabetes UK" and then access results/records from my tests, such as hba1c etc. I've gone on there but don't seem to find this part of the website? I'm based in Scotland if that matters. New to this whole thing, type 1 and not on any meds as of yet. The reason I want my results is because I have the "my diabetes" app and it seems really useful of keeping track of everything in 1 place so I'd like to store the info there too

As I understand it, in Scotland the system for tracking diabetes is called something like "My Diabetes, My Way". I understand that holds all your results and allows you to view them whenever you like.

I don't know if there is an app, or if it just a website, but this couild be a decent starting point:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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That is the system here in Scotland. You do need to register to get access etc. Quite easy to access. Get in touch if you have any issues


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Like @Outlier I can get my test results from my surgery. This last time I had to go to our local hospital for the actual tests, then waited a week for the results to be sent to the surgery, I just phone Reception and get a printout posted or pdf emailed to me. If I just ask for HbA1c she will tell me over the phone.

Eye tests are currently done at the local hospital and results are automatically sent by post to me.
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