Type 1 Basal and fasting for T1


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I've been T1 for 40 years - now 44. Healthy and fit - eye issues 15 years ago but all sorted. I'm interested in understanding more about basal & fasting

I do high intensity exercise 4/7 nights and eat low carbs after - chicken stir fry with veg as example. My basal seems ok as BG always around 5.0 in mornings. (Whether I exercise or not).

However, if i fast my BH rises fast unless I do insulin. I need to do the same insulin whether I eat a banana for breakfast or I don't. Same happens at all times of day.

My basal must be right as mornings are good. Why do I rise if I don't eat? Anyone know? Given I've been T1 for so long I should know but I don't.

Advice would be welcome - thank you


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hmm, it's unusual to need the same amount of insulin for a banana or for nothing at all! But there are various factors that may contribute.

The first thing is that many people's basal needs are not consistent throughout the day, so just because your levels are good in the mornings doesn't mean your basal rate is ideal over the whole 24 hour period.

People on a pump do "basal testing" where they fast for particular portions of the day to work out what basal levels are appropriate at that time of day.

The second thing is that one's liver stores glucose (in the form of glycogen) that can be released to fuel our body when necessary. All sorts of factors contribute to this, like adrenaline, stress, caffeine, etc. This varies considerably from person to person. Perhaps when you skip a meal your body produces a liver dump for some reason.

It could even by psychological... twice I have seen a big sugar spike after drinking a sugar-free soft drink (and confirmed that it really was sugar-free using my meter!). I think it was a psychological response!


Well-Known Member
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I have the issue that if I halve my basal because I have to fast (directed by docs) then I can be high or sometimes I go low as well. I scratch my head about how I could go low when I halved my basal. I just think our bodies can do weird things. For me my sugar goes high with pain a lot. The problem I have is I have a lot of pain. Since my recent car accident I have trouble getting readings under 7 most days. Maybe there is something else affecting you also?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks. I'm guessing it could be stress. Makes sense what you say
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