Big difference Libre v fingerprick


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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I changed my sensor on Thirsday night and for someone this one is reading much higher than my finger prick eg, I've eaten breakfast about one hour ago, will normally get a bit of a spike post food but my Libre is alarming at 15.7, it's 9.6 on fingerprick. I'm not sure if this is just a dodgy sensor because I'm inclined to trust my meter more. Is it just a post insertion thingy and is ut likely to settle or would you report it to Abbott? Last night I was getting sensor readings of 10+ whereas fingerpricks were 5 ish. Thanks for any advice


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I try and apply my new sensor about 24 hours before the old one is due to expire, so by the time I initiate the new one it has had time to get used to me and my body has had time to get used to it! But I had one fall off after just a week so applied the new one and that gave some low readings that didn’t match with a finger stick. Settled down after a couple of days in situ.
My sensors are supplied by the Norwegian health authority, for which I am very grateful and they send a fault reporting form with each new set of sensors, so they can reclaim the money from Abbott for faulty ones.
Have never tried calling Abbott when there has been a problem with any of failed to start after going into the one hour initialisation stage…and several have fallen off …mainly due to swimming/doorframes/humid climate/ careless dressing/undressing! One refused to emerge from the application device.