Booster side effects


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Yesterday I got my ‘booster’ covid shot from pfizer. Experienced some light discomfort in the evening at the same day. Nothing special.

But also my bg values were going low in the evening, night and this morning i could even skip a shot of insulin. Anyone experienced low bgs after the booster too?

Second effect which was a lot less fun: i went for a run this morning (i do it almost every day). The first mile went ok but then suddenly got medium too heavy pain in my back on the right side. So just googled if there are reported any side effects on the kidneys, and it turns out the EMA has indeed requested data from pfizer related to kidney disorders:

The pain is less now that i stopped the running, but still there. Very strange. Hope it is unrelated, but never had something like this before.


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Yesterday I got my ‘booster’ covid shot from pfizer. Experienced some light discomfort in the evening at the same day. Nothing special.

But also my bg values were going low in the evening, night and this morning i could even skip a shot of insulin. Anyone experienced low bgs after the booster too?

Second effect which was a lot less fun: i went for a run this morning (i do it almost every day). The first mile went ok but then suddenly got medium too heavy pain in my back on the right side. So just googled if there are reported any side effects on the kidneys, and it turns out the EMA has indeed requested data from pfizer related to kidney disorders:

The pain is less now that i stopped the running, but still there. Very strange. Hope it is unrelated, but never had something like this before.
Not sure if this is helpful, but whilst I experienced Blood Sugar related issues with both my first and second doses. I didn't experience any with my third dose.
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Among other things I've seen some reports of liver failure post-injection. Not wishing to cause undue alarm but if you've had to drop your (basal?) insulin then maybe your liver is struggling to secrete glucose. I'm no expert but something to keep in mind. People often report hyperglycaemia post-vaccine but hypoglycaemia obviously has the potential to be far more serious in the immediate term. Monitor closely and seek medical assistance if in any doubt.
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Initially I experienced low blood sugar after all my Covid jabs, but then experienced high blood sugar. Time taken to switch between the two varied with each one.
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Deleted member 527103

Among other things I've seen some reports of liver failure post-injection. Not wishing to cause undue alarm but if you've had to drop your (basal?) insulin then maybe your liver is struggling to secrete glucose. I'm no expert but something to keep in mind. People often report hyperglycaemia post-vaccine but hypoglycaemia obviously has the potential to be far more serious in the immediate term. Monitor closely and seek medical assistance if in any doubt.
I have had a significant drop in blood sugars since my jabs (AZ for first and second and Pfizer for my booster). As someone with Type 1, I inject insulin and found my total daily dose of insulin dose has reduced by nearly 20% since my first covid jab over 6 months ago. My diet has not changed and nor has my exercise regime.
I feel fine and my liver has been tested as part of my annual review which identified no problems.
I appreciate I am only a sample of one but I can confirm that increased insulin sensitivity does not necessarily mean liver failure.
I am happy to be saving the NHS money as my insulin goes further.
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Retired Moderator
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Yesterday I got my ‘booster’ covid shot from pfizer. Experienced some light discomfort in the evening at the same day. Nothing special.

But also my bg values were going low in the evening, night and this morning i could even skip a shot of insulin. Anyone experienced low bgs after the booster too?

Second effect which was a lot less fun: i went for a run this morning (i do it almost every day). The first mile went ok but then suddenly got medium too heavy pain in my back on the right side. So just googled if there are reported any side effects on the kidneys, and it turns out the EMA has indeed requested data from pfizer related to kidney disorders:

The pain is less now that i stopped the running, but still there. Very strange. Hope it is unrelated, but never had something like this before.


Well? I've two jabs & a booster under my belt.
Everything is good as part of my anual review late last year.

How long have you been diagnosed T1.?

Are you using Lantus, perchance?


I have had a significant drop in blood sugars since my jabs (AZ for first and second and Pfizer for my booster). As someone with Type 1, I inject insulin and found my total daily dose of insulin dose has reduced by nearly 20% since my first covid jab over 6 months ago. My diet has not changed and nor has my exercise regime.
I feel fine and my liver has been tested as part of my annual review which identified no problems.
I appreciate I am only a sample of one but I can confirm that increased insulin sensitivity does not necessarily mean liver failure.
I am happy to be saving the NHS money as my insulin goes further.

Seems fair, but no harm exercising an abundance of caution, particularly as OP is reporting pain in and around that area.


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Seems fair, but no harm exercising an abundance of caution, particularly as OP is reporting pain in and around that area.

Oddly enough. i've experienced insulin sensitivity increase even prior to all this jabby stuff?
Bearing in mind i'm armed to the hilt with meters & sensors..

Our friend @TimLibre has mentioned his "Kidneys."

The liver you mentioned is situated, elsewhere??



@Jaylee the liver is kind of on the right side but I'm not sure how rearward. Think liver punch. In any case let's not get bogged down in that. Just struck me as a potential factor since there are reports of organ issues post-injection and I thought it may be worth mentioning considering OP is in pain. Rare as they may be, such complications do occur. Hopefully it's just varying insulin sensitivity and the pain is unrelated and coincidental.


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My first 2 jabs had no effect on blood sugar
After the booster my levels were all over the place. Really v high
Only managed to lower a few weeks later


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@Jaylee the liver is kind of on the right side but I'm not sure how rearward. Think liver punch. In any case let's not get bogged down in that. Just struck me as a potential factor since there are reports of organ issues post-injection and I thought it may be worth mentioning considering OP is in pain. Rare as they may be, such complications do occur. Hopefully it's just varying insulin sensitivity and the pain is unrelated and coincidental.

Oddly enough, our friend could also be using a glargine based "Lantus" basal? (From historical messages.) It can also be unstable during the day too. (Pending on batch, in my experience I somtimes wish I hadn't bolused for a meal.?)
I use this type of basal & my insulin sensitivity increases whilst the dosage should be tailing off..or even worn off..?(pending evening activity.)

Any experience with that? May I remind you of inappropriately cross posting. Let's not get bogged down.


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I have had 3 jabs all phizer, 1st and third high blood sugers, 2nd one no real high blood sugers, getting my 4th jab on wensday moderna so I will see how that affects me.


Well-Known Member
Tested positive today. From zero fever to 39+ in 6 hours. Pain still there. Hope not to get a crazy immune response now after getting both at the same time, booster and covid.

managed to get my fever down to 38.1 now with paracetamol.
This is worse then any flu ive had i can assure you.
Normally im in good condition, so that should not be the problem.

sugars stable now at 8.7. Havent eaten much though.


Well-Known Member
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Tested positive today. From zero fever to 39+ in 6 hours. Pain still there. Hope not to get a crazy immune response now after getting both at the same time, booster and covid.

managed to get my fever down to 38.1 now with paracetamol.
This is worse then any flu ive had i can assure you.
Normally im in good condition, so that should not be the problem.

sugars stable now at 8.7. Havent eaten much though.
Hope you feel better soon


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Tested positive today. From zero fever to 39+ in 6 hours. Pain still there. Hope not to get a crazy immune response now after getting both at the same time, booster and covid.

managed to get my fever down to 38.1 now with paracetamol.
This is worse then any flu ive had i can assure you.
Normally im in good condition, so that should not be the problem.

sugars stable now at 8.7. Havent eaten much though.

Hope you get well soon.

Though, to date I haven't tested +. With any illness. Wrestling some sense into the BGs is half the battle.

Best wishes.
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