breakfasts for 6 year old type 1 diabetic


Active Member
What does she like to eat?

It doesn't have to be a traditional breakfast such as cereal or toast, how about a sandwich? Low sugar yogurt, beans on toast,

A good cereal for me is the mini shredded wheat.

As above, carb count is important, one serving of shredded wheat is about 40g carbs, but the box has those details on.

get a good set of digital scales to weigh everything until you get an idea of how much a "portion" represents


Well-Known Member
You could make a fruit smoothie in a blender.

Could be pure fruit, or you could add milk or yoghurt or nuts if that is more to her taste.

Obviously though that will be high in carbs, not sure what insulin regime you are using.


Well-Known Member
Everyone is different - a smoothie would work for me fine.

Although if you were using an insulin such as Novomix, I can see that it might not be the best choice. I limited fruit on Novomix for the reason SarahQ gave.

On Novorapid, I can have a smoothie and end up with a BG of around 5 two hours afterwards - no problem.
