California dreaming


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Impolite people, yobbish behaviour, pretentious people.
Thank you, both. I'll happily write as long as you tell me if I'm becoming a bore. Perhaps we should call the thread "Gullible's Travels". :lol:
Or perhaps not.
Anyway, a few more reflections on life in the US of A. At first it used to irritate me that the price shown in shops and supermarkets didn't include the tax. For the first several several weeks I would happily count out the correct change and then be asked for more money when I got to the checkout. But thinking about this made me realise that if this happened in European countries we would be much more aware of how much the government is gouging out of us in tax. After all, we've already paid tax on the money in our pockets, yet every time we buy an item, or even a service, we have to fork over another large wad of cash. And in Britain, imagine if people were aware of exactly how much they are paying for petrol and how much the chancellor's helping himself to.
Ever since I did my national service in the RAF I've had a soft spot for the Salvation Army. Every evening while I was doing my square bashing the SA van would turn up offering tea and buns for 1 old penny a go. The NAAFI charged us 3 old pennies and on the paltry sum we were paid that was quite a lot. Also, if a serviceman was stuck any time with nowhere to sleep, the Sally Army would always help. So whenever I'm faced with a Salvation Army collecting tin I always contribute generously. My father, ex Royal Navy, said the same. At Christmas in California a representative of the SA stood outside each supermarket, ringing a little bell and collecting for their Christmas good works. The first time I was faced with this I dug out a handful of dollar bills and stuffed them into the tin. The next day in another town I came across another, so again I donated. Then I began to encounter them so frequently that I finally had to succumb and tell each one that I had already donated. But it made me feel such a cheapskate that I finally dropped a dollar bill into every collecting tin I encountered. What else could I do?
I think I've just about exhausted the subject of life in California so I'll open up the new thread as suggested.
Coming soon to a screen near you.....


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Impolite people, yobbish behaviour, pretentious people.
Just two final points. I suspected I'd put on a bit of weight over the three months in Cal but when I got home I found it was only 2 kilos. I've now lost one of them and hope to have shed the other one (and hopefully a bit more) by Monday.
And finally, in the whole time I was there I didn't hear one person swear. Then, no sooner do I get home than they put Jonathan Ross back on BBC.