Caulifower cheese "bread"


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Am a newbie , so sorry if you all already know this but the above named food has proved so versatile it has become my new best friend.
An easy mix of blitzed cauliflower, cheese, eggs and ground almonds made the most tasty 'thing' that was
1) cut into 1cm cubes and served as an appetiser/snack
2) eaten fresh and warm as part of main meal
3) sliced and lightly fried in a dry pan as part of breakfast
4) and still have some in the fridge

I only used one small caulifower blitzed and then cooked in microwave with sprinkling of seasoning,
Let it cool one plate for a few minutes
Then back in processor with 2 eggs, 100g ground almond and 150g cheddar. Added more seasonings and herbs to taste.
Greased a square 7" tin and cooked at 200 for about 20 minutes.

At first it seemd a bit soft but firmed up as it cooled.
It does stretch the imagination to call it a bread, but it was tasty and felt carby!
A lot of the recipes online seemed to use a lot of eggs, but I found this did for me as am only diabetic in our house.

What do others use it for?


Retired Moderator
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Sounds very interesting, I'll try as soon as I find almond flour!


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
football, both the game and the culture.
Sounds delicious.. Does it keep? or freeze? There is only me here atm and 7inch square tin might be a bit too much.
Wonder if it would work with frozen cauliflower "rice" Can you give a guestimate of your cauliflower weight?
But no cheddar, might try Cantal. or Raclette, Emmetal though, doesnt melt properly.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sounds very interesting, I'll try as soon as I find almond flour!
I didn't use almond flour... just ground up almonds. Ok so it was a little more textured but still tasted good.
I'm trying to avoid the expensive ingredients
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sounds delicious.. Does it keep? or freeze? There is only me here atm and 7inch square tin might be a bit too much.
Wonder if it would work with frozen cauliflower "rice" Can you give a guestimate of your cauliflower weight?
But no cheddar, might try Cantal. or Raclette, Emmetal though, doesnt melt properly.
I had adapted it from an 8 eggs recipe and found this size did me for 4 meals. It was quite filling and satisfying.
I don't know about freezing, think it would.
Yes frozen cauli rice would work as it is cooked and cooled before adding
No idea what mine weighed, would have served 3 -4 as a plain vegetable perhaps.

I think the whole thing is quite amenable, less cheese, more cauli for example. I thought at first it was too wet to bake but it came out all right. I left it to cool in the tin. If using a loaf tin it would be deeper so need cooking longer


Retired Moderator
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I didn't use almond flour... just ground up almonds. Ok so it was a little more textured but still tasted good.
I'm trying to avoid the expensive ingredients
I think almonds are more expensive than almond flower in the supermarkets around here. Plus, I don't have a food processor :D
I can grate cauliflower and cheese just fine with my hand grater but I'm afraid trying to grate almonds will turn it into a real hand grater!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I think almonds are more expensive than almond flower in the supermarkets around here. Plus, I don't have a food processor :D
I can grate cauliflower and cheese just fine with my hand grater but I'm afraid trying to grate almonds will turn it into a real hand grater!