Type 2 Cholesterol confusion!


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all,
This is my cholesterol results since going on a LCHF diet. Not quite sure I understand what the results mean and could do with help interpreting them.

What are the ranges for each of these LDL and HDL and triglyceride

(what even is triglyceride and serum non high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels?)

What is the serum cholesterol level?

Why have i got a ratio HDL and a HDL level, whats the difference?

I did try and research on the web for myself but confused the hell out of me!
Could someone please help so i know if i’m going in the right direction with this diet or need to change it again?

From the little research i did do it seemed that the LDL cholesterol was a little high, am i right on this assumption?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
These are the ranges, in square brackets that I compare my results with, but levels may differ slightly between health authority/testing lab. It would be useful to compare with previous tests (prior to low carb) - I'd say some are a little high and the statin police might be on your tail, but if you have improved and not been on LCHF for long, your next set of bloods may be more beneficial. Hope this helps.



Active Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you Mrs HJG for taking the time to post the figures, they helped.

This is the first time that I’ve asked for a cholesterol test from the doctors so nothing to compare with any previous tests of cholesterol. I’ve been on the LCHF diet now for about 4 months and generally at 30g net carbs per day.
At present I feel like I’ve missed the bullet on the high sugar levels but possibly not dodged the statins?
leaves me wondering if they were higher or lower before?

Would 4 months be enough to see my figures come down or is this like the sugar target that has took me 8 months to get from 10.8 to 5.8 on the HbAc1 score. Am I expecting too much too soon…deflated and a little impatient