Continuous Glucose Monitor Use and Tips

I'm prediabetic and was diagnosed with a HbA1c of 45 in late Jan 24. My retest on 18 Jul 24, shows it's now 43, which is promising. I aim to get it to 37 by September and the GP has requested a retest in 3 months, so mid-October 24'ish.

I have purchased a Libre 3 CGM to monitor my BG. I have started a new full-time job in retail. Most of my shifts are 07:00 - 15:00 and I get a 30-minute break or 2 x 15-minute breaks. I want to work out the best times to eat to keep my energy up during a working day.

Does anyone have any guidance or advice to help me stay on track and energised while working, please?

Being 55 and post-menopausal has meant my weight loss has been slow but I was 12 st 2.8 lbs at the start of Feb and today I weighed in at 11 st 10.8 lbs so 6 lbs loss (target 140 lbs). I have been doing resistance training during that period and have built muscle so that may explain the slow weight loss. (TBH, I'm disappointed I haven't lost more weight...)