Everyone is different, difference in how we manage either T1 or T2, IR, Exercise, Eating and how our individual bodies react to all of this. For T1's we all differ in how various Insulins work and therefore use various types of Insulin. We will all react differently when diagnosed with T1 or T2 and will all react differently when, if we are lucky, break free of Diabetes. All very good subjects but essentially not really for this particular subject.
Getting back on the Subject.
The article explains that this Smart Insulin is in the early stages of Research, albeit it has been going for some time now. It was focused more on the Funding of the Research currently happening. We all know Research is a very costly activity especially when it comes to medical, most times research creates different branches to follow and will divert the subject down those. Scientific research has advanced significantly over the years and now, with new developments of experimental equipment, chemistry knowledge and may I suggest AI, research can develop much quicker. You only have to look at how quickly they developed the Corona Virus vaccines to realise this. Might be controversial but I believe when they do get to the testing on humans part of this new Smart Insulin, there will have been many questions during the research and each will be checked, tested and evolved to make sure it is safe for humans. I don't know if I will be around when it does become available for use but if came out today, I would certainly put my hand up for testing it on.
Going slightly off the subject of the Smart Insulin, although I think closely linked.
A more controversial part of research in this, is the research into Stem Cell creation of the Beta Cells. Hopefully, the fact that they have now developed a synthetic stem cell the controversy is now nullified. Not a scientist here lol so might be very wrong, but if, in Type 1, our Beta Cells are being destroyed by our immune system, they maybe able to change the genetics of our Beta Cells to prevent the immune system from reacting and destroying them.
Sorry if this is off Topic and if people are not happy with it, maybe we can create a different Forum Topic