Creon causing Pancreatitis?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Hi People

I've been started on creon - just a small amount with big/fatty meals as I'm borderline, but it makes me feel heaps better and I'm obviously missing something that it helps me absorb. It also make my hair healthyier and shinier (think of those pet food adverts - healthy coat and shiny eyes!)
Anyway, it helps, apart from it appearing to cause pancreatitis for me.

It also makes my sugar levels go down for some reason - maybe absorbing the fat in meals better?

I was on a larger dose and that was definitely too much, but the lower does was really good. Apart from the pancreatitis:depressed:

anyway, does anyone else have experience with this?


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I have wondered about asking dr. for it as been 3c from acute pancreatitis over 10 years ago, and then removal of gallbladder too, and no one has ever followed up on whether I need any gastric support, even after loosing 3 stone in weight without trying the first year. So interested to know there is such a thing as borderline, and that small doses of creon are prescribed. Does that mean you still have some pancreatic function? Can you get different parts of pancreas working to different degrees, and therefore also complaining / not working properly, also differently, as a result? Not something I have ever seen anything about. My diabetic specialists nurses declared my insulin production was none existent this year, but what about other functions? I like your description of your hair improving , presumably as vit/ mins enter your body to be used…my hair is constantly falling out and I have deep vertical nail ridges, with breakages. I hope you get a reply re. the return of your pancreatitis, I assume this is pain in the area, or are there other symptoms? Weird, perhaps it is something to the stop/ start nature of the body’s needs that creon sometimes overcomes that aggravates the pancreas.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
I would definitely ask about it. My doctors had not even thought about it, and it was only a locum from overseas that started asking questions.
I think that from memory, weight loss can be a sign of loss of function. There are also tests they can do.
My endocrinologist says that the insulin producing sells are not as tough as the enzyme producing ones, so you don't lose them at exactly the same time necessarily, but it depends on the situation i expect. I measure as having some function, but I understand that the production is not smooth and even, it comes in fits and starts depending on if the pancreas is having a good day or not.
Yes, I get pain and other symptoms. I had not thought bout the stop start situation... Hmmm
My nails are pretty much the same, but my hair has gone from falling out, to being able to grow it longer, reasonably thick etc.