delayed urination?


Hi Mcarunnie, I guess you know this post is old but I would suggest you see your Doctor. Excessive urination can be a symptom of high glucose levels (don't know your circs obviously). I was told that I was not urinating more because I was drinking more but I was drinking more because my body was forcing out excess sugar in the form of urine leaving me dehydrated, ie flushing it out of my body in a desperate attempt to get rid of it. Now my next sentence is a little gross I know, but try tasting a little of your urine on the end of your finger (it won't hurt you), if it tastes of saccharine then chances are your sugar levels are high. Also, go see your Dr. x
Hi I had all tests which were negative. So doctors are clueless hence trying to find answe here. My urine tastes more like water. And bit cold sometimes