Disappointed with the NHS but not for diabetes…

Nicola M

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hello All,

I think I just need to vent and where better than the forum that has helped me so much although it’s not a vent about my diabetes or diabetes care through the NHS because mine has been excellent but just the overall NHS/GP service.

Recently I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia, unsurprising given that I have diabetes but the frustrating thing is I’ve had many blood tests over the years including FBC etc when I’ve been in hospital but until my most recent A&E visit no one took notice that my results were very abnormal. Queue many tests later and I was told I had dangerously low B12. I think more frustratingly I recently got access to my entire GP records and found in 2017 my B12 was on the low side but this was not followed up even though my notes say it should have been. In 2021 I called my GP because I was constantly tired and for someone who at the time was 24 that wasn’t normal but it was written off as being nothing without any real tests being carried out. I know the NHS are struggling and they can’t always keep up with everything or everyone but I feel very let down by the system.

I’m thankful that the doctor who is overlooking my results now is very on top of things, he’s even requested I come in today for a check over as I’ve been poorly for the last month and don’t feel like I’m getting any better, I feel somewhat better after my recent antibiotics but not 100%. But it almost feels like it’s too little too late.

I’m sure everyone’s care is different and some people have had better experiences than I have but mine over the years doesn’t seem to have been up to standard.

Thanks for reading!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes I was constantly tired too. Not yet T2. Years later I got my historic blood test results and found that my B12 results had been only 2 points above deficiency level. All those wasted years.