Do you think type 1 diabetes is a disability or a condition?


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Re: Do you think type 1 diabetes is a disability or a condit

the_anticarb said:
One of the best things about diabetes is that it is under your control, but that is also one of the worst things as it gives you this massive responsibility. A responsibility I was not mature enough to take on in the past I will admit. Its difficult enough as an adult but having this burden on your shoulders at the age of 15 as I was, well any teenager who does cope with it well (and many do) I take my hat off to.
I just hope it is not too late for me now to live my life now without the effects of the big D getting in the way.

Anticarb - that's sh*t. I am very glad I was 30 when diagnosed, any child (and 15 is still a child!) faces a huge challenge to cope with the responsibility and needs major help to do so.


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Re: Do you think type 1 diabetes is a disability or a condit

Cathy1974 said:
I think it depends on if you have any complications etc.
I also have Epilepsy, and I would class that as a disability, but my Diabetes is a condition. The diabetes, although a pain in the butt having to watch what I eat, remembering to take my insulin etc, has far less impact on my life than the Epilepsy does.
But I can quite easily understand that someone with diabetic complications would have a totally different view.

a close friend of mine found out she had epilepsy when she turned 17. She did things she shouldn't and was like me at first with my diabetes, I used to not give it a second thought until the complications started. After a few years my friend had regular fits from her epilepsy because she had not took the medication correctly. I had the worst phone call of my life 3 years ago, my friend had died from having a fit in the bath. It was devastating for me and everyone who knew her, turns out she had not taken any medication for weeks, I still wish to this day that I could have known she wasnt taking the medication any maybe helped her. Such a waste of life at only 21 :(


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Re: Do you think type 1 diabetes is a disability or a condit

Sorry tohear that Diva, it makes me realise it's not just diabetics who need support but many with chronic conditions. Especially teens. I remember as a teen just being given some insulin and a list of foods i could eat and being told to go away and get on with it. There was no recognition of the social aspects of being 'different' at that age, the stigma, the weight gain from insulin etc. I hope it is better for teens now.


Well-Known Member
Re: Do you think type 1 diabetes is a disability or a condit

the_anticarb said:
Sorry tohear that Diva, it makes me realise it's not just diabetics who need support but many with chronic conditions. Especially teens. I remember as a teen just being given some insulin and a list of foods i could eat and being told to go away and get on with it. There was no recognition of the social aspects of being 'different' at that age, the stigma, the weight gain from insulin etc. I hope it is better for teens now.

I think I really tried to be like every other teenager and that resulted in me neglecting my diabetes in a big way. I remember the first day of finding out and just being given the insulin. I got home and it didn't dawn on me for a long time that I had this for life but when it did it really hit me hard. I think if I'd of accepted it as soon as I had it I maybe wouldn't of had complications but I'm really trying to not think about "what ifs" at the minute but it can be hard.