Does Dawn Effect Diminish



I was diagnosed a year ago... obese and out of control for last six months. Last A1c was 7.8. Recently started low-carbing with exercise. Fasting glucose around 100-115... but early morning my 'dawn effect' is about 130-140.

I lost some sensation in my feet already, and I'm worried that even if I bring my fasting bg into normal range, my neuropathy will be sustained by the damned dawn effect.

Does the dawn effect diminish with prolonged low-carb diet, exercise, weight loss? Or do I need insulin to reverse the neuropathy?


Well-Known Member
being ill/not being in control
i found when i reduced carbs and sugary things etc that my BG came down but i still have readings around 9/10 in a morning first thing

am also now on metfartin but this is not reducing the morning reading much

i had probs with my feet when first diagnosed but more hot or cold and tingling which i think was the nerves waking up again, they tend to be fine mostly now and certainly not any worse

would give it a go with watching your diet etc and hopefully you will see some improvements

good luck