Extra Injection


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I've just got in from work on my afternoon shifts and I'm starving! I used to just have a 4th meal to help with my weight training. Now my pancreas doesn't work anymore I'm just wondering if I just have another meal with some insulin? Is there any reason I shouldn't inject an extra time?



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Hi Stu

As long as you're happy that you know how much insulin to take for the carbs you're eating then it should be OK


Well-Known Member
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As Robert said, another meal with some carbs, needs another injection.

And if you're ever missing a meal then miss the fast-acting insulin too.


Well-Known Member
I've been warned to go carefully if I have having extra injections. Yyou can get problems with the insulin stacking up and making you hypo a bit later. I've also been told not to have injections less than 2 hours apart, thought I presume that depends on the type of insulin. Mine is novorapid.

I find if I do have an extra meal/snack that I need a lower dose than usual for it. I;ve recently got a meter which caculates it for me, taking into account the previous meals dose and it has helped with this sort of situation. Before that there was quite a lot of guesswork.

The other option is a meal/snack without carbs. Things like cheese, cold meats, eggs, salad, nuts are all options without the carbs.


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LaughingHyena said:
The other option is a meal/snack without carbs. Things like cheese, cold meats, eggs, salad, nuts are all options without the carbs.

We all react differently to food intake. I have to calculate a bolus for the foods mentioned by LaughingHyena and taken without carbs. If I don't inject Insulin I will have blood sugar sailing in to the 10s. But I know a big energetic T1 who can eat a sandwich consisting of cheese, pickle and two slices of bread that has little impact on their blood sugars.


Stu, don't ask us! - everyone is different and it depends upon the type of insulin you use and your weight/activeness.

Speak to your diabetes nurse who will be able to really help!

I will say that it is possible as my fast-acting insulin allows me to have extra injections.

Ambersilver, I wouldn't miss an injection if I missed a meal. Your natural blood sugar levels will still creep up, even if you don't eat.

That's why you should always speak to a professional first! No one here can give you the deffinitive answer. Sorry Stu.


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purrple11 said:
Ambersilver, I wouldn't miss an injection if I missed a meal. Your natural blood sugar levels will still creep up, even if you don't eat.

Hi purrple11,

My basal insulin is acting in the background to keep my blood sugar at a steady level. So, missing a meal and a fast-acting injection works for me.