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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi everyone,

Although I joined a few months ago I have not as yet posted anything but hoping to get involved, I have a question but will give some background information.
My name is Sue, I am a 63 yr old female, I live in Cornwall with my hubby (insulin type 2 diabetic) and we also both have disabilities.
Recently I have been trying to get back into 16:8 intermittent fasting but not been very successful, annoyingly my head is not in the right place.
I need to eat better, lose weight and try to do more exercise although with pain it is quite hard most of the time.
I found tonight (first time ever) when checking my blood sugar that a symbol was flashing on my glucose monitor, it was KET and it read 1-6 I guessed it was ketones so I googled what the numbers meant and it said I was in danger of diabetic acidosis but to check urine, I happen to have ketone test sticks from doing 16:8 previously, it showed negative which seemed odd, so I plan to check my blood again shortly.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I do not have any symptoms so a little baffled.
Any advice or information wiuld be gratefully received. Thank you.


Retired Moderator
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I found tonight (first time ever) when checking my blood sugar that a symbol was flashing on my glucose monitor, it was KET and it read 1-6 I guessed it was ketones so I googled what the numbers meant and it said I was in danger of diabetic acidosis but to check urine,
Hi @Susie1961 welcome to the forum.

Glucose meters do not test for ketones with glucose strips.
But because glucose meters were originally designed for T1's, some brands flash a ketones warning when you're above a certain blood glucose level. It doesn't mean you have ketones, it only means your BG is high enough to think about ketoacidosis in T1's.

That said, what is your usual diet like? It looks like you can use some improvement, considering your higher blood glucose.
I need to eat better, lose weight and try to do more exercise although with pain it is quite hard most of the time.
Please don't exercise if it hurts a lot, it isn't helpful. Exercising is healthy, but it needs to be adjusted to your capability, not a torture!
We have many members who can't do much exercise but who still got their BG back to healthy levels by lowering carbs but not calories. This piece, written by one of our members is very informative on the matter, and also on how to use your glucose meter to find out what works: https://josekalsbeek.blogspot.com/2019/11/the-nutritional-thingy.html

But with your husband being on insulin, be very careful with any dietary changes! Lowering carbs may mean he needs to adjust his doses or he might go too low.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Reality tv
Recently I have been trying to get back into 16:8 intermittent fasting but not been very successful, annoyingly my head is not in the right place
It might not be that you're mentally struggling with intermittent fasting, it could just be that you're eating the wrong food.
Our T2 means we can't handle the sugar that comes from digesting carbohydrates. Much of that sugar stays in our blood and can't get used for energy. Our bodies are not getting the full benefit of our meals so craves more the only way it can by signaling hunger. Trying to lose weight by fasting when you are hungry is virtually impossible.
Reducing the stuff you can't use (carbs) and eating food that will actually feed you like protein and healthy fats should result in lower blood sugars and less hunger, that in turn will make fasting much easier