fasting levels


Well-Known Member
1) morning (fasting) levels can be the very last to normalise - you'd think they'd be the first but they're not. So don't worry, you're totally not alone. It is because your liver releases glucose in the early hours before waking, under the influence of cortisol, to "prepare" you for the day. In most people, their natural insulin takes care of it and keeps it to within narrow normal levels (3.5-5). In type 2's, we are resistant to insulin. For type 1's, they have no insulin at all and so often suffer even more from these morning spikes. For now, don't worry about it. They will gradually come down in line with your other figures over time. I would perhaps just stick to testing those ones once a week, to see if there's progress.

Re your weight, I think that you may need to take a leap of faith and eat a lite bit more, maybe some more healthy fats (eg olive oil, avocado, full fat Greek yoghurt). Your calorie intake sounds very low. Your body will react to this by going into "starvation mode" and slowing down your metabolism to conserve fat (your body doesn't realise you want to lose weight!). In fact, forgive me if I'm wrong, but wasnt it you saying that you were always feeling freezing cold? That may be your answer.

I certainly don't mean gorge yourself on unhealthy foods like cakes and biscuits. But your diet is not sustainable and is not working for you. Add more food, but healthy natural foods.