Five Guys Burgers - lettuce wrap


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry for misleading you - they've done pickups since I first found them (not that it's relevant for me) but that bit of the website seems to have gone.

But I did notice that they are now offering a discount of 30% if you are a "ketogenic outpatient" (not sure what that is) and 20% if you're a GP patient on a Low carb/Blood Sugar management course. The problem is that it's the GP who has to email that's going to happen.

I’d wager my GP would rather marry me than send an email.

(Long story - I’ll spare you. )

Not having eaten bread for over 10 years his current wife can rest easy.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I confirmed with Five Guys (UK) that the lettuce wrap burger is available here (off menu - have to ask). I used to love Five Guys burgers - best chips too. No more chips for me, but I think i could live with a lettuce wrap.

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(Not my image)
I got one once quite a few years ago absolutely nothing like the picture. I literally had one soggy iceberg leaf each side of the burger. Pathetic. Never been back.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Seems like they've moved their warehousing to Daventry - so no more pickups from Hemel. Availability in shops will only be (maybe) later this year

In the meantime, i've discovered LivLife - and it is available from Waitrose which is around the corner from me - so i'll be giving that a go. 3.4g of carb per slice sounds OK to me.
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