Type 1 fluctuation in counts


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Our 7 year old daughter have been injecting with insulin for 6 months. For the first 4 months all counts were great. But the last two months we have severe fluctuation from 2.1 mmol to 17.1. No diet changes same amount of exercise. We've changed the amount of insulin, the injectors even the injection sites. Nothing seems to work. She complaints that her whole body feels unwell and the she sometimes wants to faint. We the immidiately test the sugar levels to see if it is not to low even after a meal. But it is still high 10 to 14. She also complaints that her stomach hurts after injection even when we have been injecting in her buttocks for weeks now. Unfortunately the peadetrician is as stumped as we are. Does anybody else have the same problems? Any help would be great.



Hi ThysB and welcome to the forum.

I will bump your post up for a reply.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Only an uninformed wild guess, but did the pediatrician try a different insulin? She may have developed an allergy or something to the one she is taking
I know you must be very worried, as I would be. I wish your daughter and family well

ps I would go to an endocrinologist once a year, starting now
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I am thinking along the lines of Jack, I suffered for years with readings like this and feeling unwell because of my Basal (long acting) insulin. Ask her doctor to try changing long-acting insulin. If your daughter starts to feel better and you live in the UK, ask about a pump. I spent years being changed from one insulin to another, trying to find one that didn't disagree with me.

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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people
How awful for your poor daughter. During the end of the diabetes honeymoon period bg levels can be very erratic and things do take time to settle down, as your daughter will be under the care of a hospital diabetes clinic I would ask to see the consultant there taking along a diary with all your daughters bg readings, insulin doses and food intake.

I do hope things improve soon for you all!!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I've started seeing similar fluctuations in BG levels and significant differences in response to certain standard meals like a bowl of porridge, or an egg on toast. I think in my case it might be a suggestion that the honeymoon period is coming to an end. In the last two weeks I've had several days where I've been struggling to get above 5.0 and others where I've struggled to get below 7.0.

Regarding the general unwellness and stomach pains, could that be in any way psychological? If she's only 7, adn only diagnosed 6-months, this is a lot to deal with and quite a difference to her pre-diagnosis relationship with food. I know the way I view food has changed over the last 10 months.