Food! Type 1


Well-Known Member
You can eat whatever you want, have a look at this: ... ating.aspx

Just ensure you're covering your carbs with an adequate amount of Insulin. Work out your carb:insulin ratio. I find protein slightly affects my blood sugars so I use Insulin for those too.

One thing to factor in with any diet is calorific intake, eat too many calories you will put on weight, and if you don't eat enough you'll lose weight.

I use a simple formula to calculate mine and adjust accordingly, for example, lets say you weigh 10 stones, convert that into lbs therefore 10 x 14lbs = 140lbs. Now times that by 14 to get a ROUGH baseline of your daily calorific needs, so 140 x 14 = 1960 kcal, this assumes you will need to consume 1960kcal a day to maintain your weight of 10 stone, however it will need adjusting according to your life style, i.e. sedentary, active, extremely active & etc.

There are many on here that follow a low carb/carb free diets, but it's not needed; it appears to be a choice more than anything. A non diabetics body produces Insulin as blood sugars rise, Insulin shuttles the nutrients into muscle mass and your blood sugars are returned to a normal range. As a diabetic you've lost that function and so your Insulin pen carries out that function, in other words being a diabetic doesn't mean you have to stop eating carbs or anything really!

I pretty much eat anything, I am of healthy BMI, quiet active and facing no complications, in fact diabetes has taken a back seat, the only thing thats different between me and a non-diabetic is I jab myself before I eat.

Hope this helps.