Football Match


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I came back from watching my beloved Aston Villa last night and it was a pretty hectic game with lots of shouting and cheering. My blood sugar before I went out was around 8 so a tad high but I let it be, when I got home it was 18! Now I had not eaten for a good 5 hours or so and the meal I had was in no way fatty or contained anything that could of delayed a spike so could it of been all the excitement of the game itself?? I mean I cant give myself insulin before hand in case it plays out to a boring 0 - 0 draw! So how would I get around this??



I would have said the excitement of the game but then you said you were watching Villa. I can only assume you meant one of the games against the mighty Bantams in the Capital One Cup as I can't see you getting too much excitement from any other games!

Seriously though, if you get hyped up at games it can cause your liver to release glucose into your system, causing your sugar to rise but everyone's different. Best thing is to test around it until you understand how your body reacts. Trouble is you never know how a game is going to turn out when you set off to go.

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Type 1
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Disrespectful people
Pearsall85 said:
so could it of been all the excitement of the game itself?? .

Absolutely yes, stress does raise bg and having seen the Villa result this morning on Sky Sports News when I awoke I can see why your bg shot-up to 18 :)

The only way to compensate is to bolus for it..... then how do you know how exciting a game will be or how emotional you will become ? At the beginning of the year I was teaching my boy to drive and noticed my bg was in double figures when I got back having started in normal range, after having a look in the book Think Like a Pancreas I decided to take GS advise and take a couple of extra units of insulin before going out which kept my bg levels down, not a easy one to get right but might be worth considering!!!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Do villa still play football? I thought they'd given it up as a bad job years ago *shrug*

Go Chelsea!!
