My Year
Paul Hawthorne 72 years old
Started late 2023
With an appointment to see my Diabetic Specialist at Warwick hospital.
At the time of seeing her I was on Metformin, Toujeo and Trulicity. The specialist offered me a FreeStyle Libre 2. The best bit of tech I have received for helping me with Diabetes. It gave me a visual control of my sugar level showing me what I could eat and what happened to my sugars. Over this last year I’ve lost 5 stone by stopping bread (wheat, oats, grains, etc) and potatoes (Starch veg), and rice.
Trying to keep my Carbs low and my calories to 2000 a day. (I emphasis Trying Ha-ha)
I slowly (over months) with guidance stopped my Toujeo injections.
Then due to the shortage of Trulicity I ran out and stopped the injections (Stopped losing weight). After a few more months I discussed with my doctor stopping the Metformin. I have not had any Diabetic medicine for at least 5 months.
Medical History
I’ve had a serious Intestine operation, (Possibly heredity) so had problems with my bowel movements.
Approximately 5 years ago I had a Prostatectomy (Prostrate cancer removed). Also, I had Sleep Aponia for approximately 10 years, now I have no urgent need for the C-Pap.
Questions I still have
Will I ever need to go back on medication? (Possibly as there is no cure but I’m in remittance).
The morning phenonium (I understand that to get over it I need to make my BMI very low)?
Should my A1C be below 5.9%? There appears to be a diabetic club (The 5% Club)?
I have a high fibre drink every night (Inulin, Psyllium, Milled Flaxseed and Cinnamon) for my bowel movements. Is this a good health drink?
Ideas I’m trying
Joined “ Community. Very interesting and helpful
Joined “katrin@sugarfreelondoner” Keto/Low carb/Sugar free recipes. Very helpful but watch the carbs.
I have found having a high fibre drink that I have once a day (10g Psyllium, 10g Inulin, 5g Milled Flaxseed and 2g Cinnamon in a glass of water) which is helping my stools/movements. (Has carbs).
Every morning I have a 20mm shot of Ginger and Turmeric (Recently trying it
to see if it helps).
Trying different Diets (Keto, Low Carb, Carnivore, Vegan). Very confused. But I feel the low carb diet is the best for me as we humans are Omnivores?
I’ve been Reading lots of books (Started at the bottom): -
“This book may save your life” Dr Karan Rajan.
“How not to Die” MD Michael Greger.
“Life without Diabetes” Professor Roy Taylor.
“The Vegetarian Myth” Lierre Keith.
“Diabetes Solutions” Dr Bernstein.
“The Big Fat Surprise” Nina Teicholz.
“The Carnivore Code” MD Paul Saladino.
“Glucose Revolution” Jessie Inchauspe.
“Living Low Carb” Jonny Bowden.
“Blood Sugar 101’ Jenny Ruhl.
“The 8-Week Blood Sugar diet” Dr Michael Mosley.
“The Diabetes Code” Dr Jason Fung.
Now (Beginning of winter2024) my sugar battle is having spikes, but my liver is reacting quickly so my A1C is down to 6.4% and getting better would like to be back in the 5% Club. (When having Toujeo I was 5.8%).
Disappointed as I’ve lost over 5 stone, but I’ve started putting a little weight back on. Is this due to the cold of winter? Interesting that my sugar seams to be improving but my weight is going up?