Got Hba1c results yesterday!


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Diet only
Latest Hba1C results are 37 or 5.5% - Nurse very impressed with me and overran the apt in an effort to understand what I'm doing but more specifically what I'm eating.
She says I've lost 12kg since last appt - I don't weigh myself but I know that's good cos I had to replace all my jeans :happy:
Total cholesterol down to 3.1 and liver enzymes hugely down.

Low carbing works for me!!!!!! Big thank you to all on the forum who have inspired me with their success stories.

I'm not sure where I go from here, I hardly test anymore as I'm pretty good at knowing carb counts. I maintain low bs - but reading other threads I understand I could lose some control over time so what's a good testing regime for someone in my position?

I think my main enemy now will be complacency!
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Diet only
rude d/n nurses and being treated like im wierd because im diabetic
well done to you thats a fab achievment .. me to done the low carb since dec and down from 80 to 34 hba1c so it does work well done xx
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Staff Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Latest Hba1C results are 37 or 5.5% - Nurse very impressed with me and overran the apt in an effort to understand what I'm doing but more specifically what I'm eating.
She says I've lost 12kg since last appt - I don't weigh myself but I know that's good cos I had to replace all my jeans :happy:
Total cholesterol down to 3.1 and liver enzymes hugely down.

Low carbing works for me!!!!!! Big thank you to all on the forum who have inspired me with their success stories.

I'm not sure where I go from here, I hardly test anymore as I'm pretty good at knowing carb counts. I maintain low bs - but reading other threads I understand I could lose some control over time so what's a good testing regime for someone in my position?

I think my main enemy now will be complacency!
Well done.

Do not get complacent. I did, and though BG have stayed fine, I have regained about a third of the weight I had lost. Worried now that I am inviting diabetes to rejoin me, so taking action.

Don't think I can ever be diabetes free, maybe post-diabetic? But diabetes is a sneaky so and so, that is why we have to be vigilant.

Best wishes

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Vinny - well done!
My latest HbA1c was 41 this week (i'm lowish carbing too), but my DSN seemed not very interested and I got the impression she was disappointed that she couldn't send me away to go to get some pills.
Would love to know how you get your cholesterol down thought, my total remains stubbornly at 5.3, although my ratios are slowly improving, and hence I am still not keen to start on statins.
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Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Vinny - well done!
My latest HbA1c was 41 this week (i'm lowish carbing too), but my DSN seemed not very interested and I got the impression she was disappointed that she couldn't send me away to go to get some pills.
Would love to know how you get your cholesterol down thought, my total remains stubbornly at 5.3, although my ratios are slowly improving, and hence I am still not keen to start on statins.
Lentils and chick peas sort my cholesterol


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Diet only
For the next 4 months I am experimenting with eating more nuts.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Also, since diagnosis I have transformed the way I eat. In order to regain weight I would have to make a conscious effort to drive to the supermarket and buy all the wrong things.

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Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I have an enormous bag of red lentils but haven't yet done anything with them.

Well done on the fantastic results everyone! I'm jealous that some of you have managed without medication ;-)

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