Gp worried about random sugar test, now I am worried.


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Sorry I wasn't sure where to post this.

I used to post here last year after a HBA1C being 41 and GP saying it was fine, but I was concerned. Anyway, I was dignosed with an underactive thyroid last May and put on thryroxine. My results keep climbing so he has put me up to 75mg today.

In November he ran a lot of tests as I have chornic fatigue related to the thyoid illness we think. All year I was absolutely exhausted with huge energy crashes. He ran a list of tests as long as my arm and all were good, very good, he said just to repeat the thyroid in 3 months which we did and I have needed a call from him today and he has increased to 75mg.

Today he said he would like to come to repeat my diabetes test. I asked why because the HBA1C in November was 35, and last April it was 35. He said 35 is good but my random sugar was 8.9. I had eaten just before the test in November and he said that could have infulenced the test. He asked what I'd eaten, I said a Nakd bar which i believe has the equivilant of 4tsp of sugar. He said it was probably that but he would like to repeat the HBA1C every 3 months to monitor me. He said he wants to make sure my fatigue isn't due to constant high sugars.

I suffer anxiety and have a phobia of blood tests. I was hoping all that was behind me other than the thyroid tests I'd have to do every 3 months until I'm on a stable dose. I thought I couldbe sure that my fatigue was due to my thyroid. I also have developed anxiety and depression the last 4 years as my brother attacked me in 2012, I lost all my family because of him and I developed severe anxiety and agoraphobia. I worked hard on things for 2 years with therapy and I went on Mirtazapine for the low mood and I wasn't sleeping. I am still on 15mg now which is a low dose but now I am concerned if it's causing this high sugar. Does anyon else here take Mirtazapine safely?

Since being ill with the chronic fatigue and thyroid I have had my anxiety and agoraphobia return, it's been so hard accepting that. I now have social anxiety and am home alot other than the school run. I have developed health anxiety worrying but after November I was reassured it was all my thyroid causing it as he ruled out autoimmune disease etc... Now he has concerned me I am developing diabetes. Should I be concerned? He said he wants to make sure it's not the high sugar making me ill. I asked him what if my next random sugar is high but HBA1C is normal and he said we will just monior you twice a year.

Do I ever get a break, I hoped this year I could just work on getting my life back together now on the stronger thyroxine and then get back out living my life once the fatigue eased.

Sorry to sound so miserable.
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Please don't apologise for for sounding miserable. If you feel miserable, then that's how you feel, and you have been through a lot. A random blood test of 8.9 soon after eating something so sweet is not unusual in my opinion. Your HbA1cs have been excellent and totally normal. I think you are worrying over nothing as regards high blood sugars. Relax, and let your doctor look after you.


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Sorry I wasn't sure where to post this.

I used to post here last year after a HBA1C being 41 and GP saying it was fine, but I was concerned. Anyway, I was dignosed with an underactive thyroid last May and put on thryroxine. My results keep climbing so he has put me up to 75mg today.

In November he ran a lot of tests as I have chornic fatigue related to the thyoid illness we think. All year I was absolutely exhausted with huge energy crashes. He ran a list of tests as long as my arm and all were good, very good, he said just to repeat the thyroid in 3 months which we did and I have needed a call from him today and he has increased to 75mg.

Today he said he would like to come to repeat my diabetes test. I asked why because the HBA1C in November was 35, and last April it was 35. He said 35 is good but my random sugar was 8.9. I had eaten just before the test in November and he said that could have infulenced the test. He asked what I'd eaten, I said a Nakd bar which i believe has the equivilant of 4tsp of sugar. He said it was probably that but he would like to repeat the HBA1C every 3 months to monitor me. He said he wants to make sure my fatigue isn't due to constant high sugars.

I suffer anxiety and have a phobia of blood tests. I was hoping all that was behind me other than the thyroid tests I'd have to do every 3 months until I'm on a stable dose. I thought I couldbe sure that my fatigue was due to my thyroid. I also have developed anxiety and depression the last 4 years as my brother attacked me in 2012, I lost all my family because of him and I developed severe anxiety and agoraphobia. I worked hard on things for 2 years with therapy and I went on Mirtazapine for the low mood and I wasn't sleeping. I am still on 15mg now which is a low dose but now I am concerned if it's causing this high sugar. Does anyon else here take Mirtazapine safely?

Since being ill with the chronic fatigue and thyroid I have had my anxiety and agoraphobia return, it's been so hard accepting that. I now have social anxiety and am home alot other than the school run. I have developed health anxiety worrying but after November I was reassured it was all my thyroid causing it as he ruled out autoimmune disease etc... Now he has concerned me I am developing diabetes. Should I be concerned? He said he wants to make sure it's not the high sugar making me ill. I asked him what if my next random sugar is high but HBA1C is normal and he said we will just monior you twice a year.

Do I ever get a break, I hoped this year I could just work on getting my life back together now on the stronger thyroxine and then get back out living my life once the fatigue eased.

Sorry to sound so miserable.

Whilst I appreciate I don't suffer from anxiety or any of your other health issues (aside from "normal" anxiety in times of crisis), so my view could be quite different from many. However, I'd urge you to consider your Doctor is just trying to be really thorough in trying to help you make your quality of life better.

I acknowledge you don't like blood tests (who does?), but could you ask your Doctor to coordinate it so that your HbA1c is done at the same times as your thyroid bloods? At worst, it just means they collect an extra small vial of blood, but from the same puncture wound.

Were the tests done at the same time, could it be helpful?

It sounds like your Doc is on your side, and very much trying to help you get the health side of things back together. I wish you well.


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Please don't apologise for for sounding miserable. If you feel miserable, then that's how you feel, and you have been through a lot. A random blood test of 8.9 soon after eating something so sweet is not unusual in my opinion. Your HbA1cs have been excellent and totally normal. I think you are worrying over nothing as regards high blood sugars. Relax, and let your doctor look after you.
Thank you, just having anxiety I worry when I need more tests. When he is worried I worry lol!

Reassuring, thank you.
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Good morning @jingyd36 my friend I also enjoy the company of severe GAD and indeed worry about everything and if there's nothing to worry about I shall find something,but since I was diagnosed diabetes type 2 I have found that I mostly concentrate on the diabetes and not the anxiety,I have had our friend anxiety for 40 years but found however hard it was I would not let it control my life or stop me doing things,and trust me there have been times when it was extremely difficult to say the least,you will be OK trust me I am living proof that anxiety is just a pimple ,it won't hurt you but you will have to scratch It sometimes,;)


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Whilst I appreciate I don't suffer from anxiety or any of your other health issues (aside from "normal" anxiety in times of crisis), so my view could be quite different from many. However, I'd urge you to consider your Doctor is just trying to be really thorough in trying to help you make your quality of life better.

I acknowledge you don't like blood tests (who does?), but could you ask your Doctor to coordinate it so that your HbA1c is done at the same times as your thyroid bloods? At worst, it just means they collect an extra small vial of blood, but from the same puncture wound.

Were the tests done at the same time, could it be helpful?

It sounds like your Doc is on your side, and very much trying to help you get the health side of things back together. I wish you well.
Thank you.

Yes he is lovely and so helpful. I have had a tough year of chronic fatigue and the thyroid condition to cope with. He is working with me to find the correct dose to see if that improves the fatigue.

I hate bloods and I know, who loves them right? lol! My GP is great and will even do them at my house for me to save me less anxiety at the clinic, I am very lucky.

Hopefully he is just being over cautious about the random sugar as I assumed the HBA1C being so good was a good indicator for not having diabetes,




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Good morning @jingyd36 my friend I also enjoy the company of severe GAD and indeed worry about everything and if there's nothing to worry about I shall find something,but since I was diagnosed diabetes type 2 I have found that I mostly concentrate on the diabetes and not the anxiety,I have had our friend anxiety for 40 years but found however hard it was I would not let it control my life or stop me doing things,and trust me there have been times when it was extremely difficult to say the least,you will be OK trust me I am living proof that anxiety is just a pimple ,it won't hurt you but you will have to scratch It sometimes,;)

Thank you so much, anxiety is horrible isn't it. Since I have had the chronic fatigue since early last year and it led to agoraphobia I have felt my life is a huge mess. Anxiety alone is tough but agoraphobia makes me feel less of a wife and mother. I cant even do appointments anymore and my GP calls me or comes to my house, I feel such an idiot. Just being so ill with fatigue I lost all confidence and due to how fatigued and weak I feel I became too afraid to go out incase I passed out. I go out with hubby and the kids but not more than once a week at the moment due to how fatigued I have been again. It's horrible and I sit crying often worried I am letting my family down. My GP hopes the increase in thyroxine will help.

Thank you for your kind reply and good for you pushing through your anxiety xxx
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Thank you, just having anxiety I worry when I need more tests. When he is worried I worry lol!

Reassuring, thank you.
The tests are usually to check your on track and everything is as it should be bit like a service and mot it is important especially when taking medication, it ensures meds are still working and there isn't any other issues appearing. Better to catch problems at start of them rather than when damaged done.
I have lost count on how many blood tests I have had it is easily several hundred but every one was to help


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Thank you.

Yes he is lovely and so helpful. I have had a tough year of chronic fatigue and the thyroid condition to cope with. He is working with me to find the correct dose to see if that improves the fatigue.

I hate bloods and I know, who loves them right? lol! My GP is great and will even do them at my house for me to save me less anxiety at the clinic, I am very lucky.

Hopefully he is just being over cautious about the random sugar as I assumed the HBA1C being so good was a good indicator for not having diabetes,



An HbA1c of 35 is a very good score, and certainly well, well into non-diabetic ranges. A diabetes diagnosis kicks in at 48, so you're some way off that.

The random score of 8.9 isn't that high, if you had just eaten something with carbs in, plus sometimes our random bloods can go up a bit in stressful situations, just for a short while, so I wouldn't be overly concerned about it, bearing in mind you say you had just eaten.

Fatigue is associated with so many conditions, including diabetes, and it's not unusual for folks to see their Doctor feeling tired and wiped out, to find they have had high blood sugars, but that's usually diagnosed from a higher number than 8.9 , and usually backed up by an HbA1c, so please do be comforted that he does just seem to be being thorough.

There are so many people who find their GPs less attentive than you have found, and would love your GP to be theirs, so please try to get your head around the concept that he really is trying to look after you, and look after you well.

I hope you manage to get your thyroid sorted out, because it's a pretty miserable situation when it's all out of kilter.
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Many People have a lack of selenium which is nessesary to have the metabolic hormons function probably. But if one take suplements it is important to only take the daily needed amount of selenium. as it can easily get poisonous in too large doses. I personaly have had help also from adding vitamin b12 in High Doses
Last edited:


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Thank you so much, anxiety is horrible isn't it. Since I have had the chronic fatigue since early last year and it led to agoraphobia I have felt my life is a huge mess. Anxiety alone is tough but agoraphobia makes me feel less of a wife and mother. I cant even do appointments anymore and my GP calls me or comes to my house, I feel such an idiot. Just being so ill with fatigue I lost all confidence and due to how fatigued and weak I feel I became too afraid to go out incase I passed out. I go out with hubby and the kids but not more than once a week at the moment due to how fatigued I have been again. It's horrible and I sit crying often worried I am letting my family down. My GP hopes the increase in thyroxine will help.

Thank you for your kind reply and good for you pushing through your anxiety xxx
I too have chronic fatigue and it is difficult, I sympathise. Am having to decide whether I extend my teaching hours (we need the money) and risk my health more...
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An HbA1c of 35 is a very good score, and certainly well, well into non-diabetic ranges. A diabetes diagnosis kicks in at 48, so you're some way off that.

The random score of 8.9 isn't that high, if you had just eaten something with carbs in, plus sometimes our random bloods can go up a bit in stressful situations, just for a short while, so I wouldn't be overly concerned about it, bearing in mind you say you had just eaten.

Fatigue is associated with so many conditions, including diabetes, and it's not unusual for folks to see their Doctor feeling tired and wiped out, to find they have had high blood sugars, but that's usually diagnosed from a higher number than 8.9 , and usually backed up by an HbA1c, so please do be comforted that he does just seem to be being thorough.

There are so many people who find their GPs less attentive than you have found, and would love your GP to be theirs, so please try to get your head around the concept that he really is trying to look after you, and look after you well.

I hope you manage to get your thyroid sorted out, because it's a pretty miserable situation when it's all out of kilter.
Thank you,

Oh I know, I am so lucky he is an absolute star. I have developed agoraphobia and anxiety since being unwell and he doesn't batter an eyelid about coming to my house to see me and he takes my blood. I have such a fear of blood tests and cry my eyes out. Before that test in November when I had the high sugar of 8.9 I had a 4 hour anxiety attack waiting for him to arrive so i am guessing that stress won't have helped the result either. He did say the HBA1C is definitive.

Thank you for your reassurance it means a lot.


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I am so sior
I too have chronic fatigue and it is difficult, I sympathise. Am having to decide whether I extend my teaching hours (we need the money) and risk my health more...

I am so sorry, chronic fatigue is awful> I have it daily, no energy, sheer exhaustion and I have 3 children. My husband works long hours and can't take time off. Last year I was so ill with the fatigue I was bed ridden before I was started on thyroxine. I had no support at all and daily still had to do the school run, cook and clean. I have no family to rely on and no friends close by, it was awful. I know just how hard it can be living with it. Have you been told why you have chronic fatigue?

Take care



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Many People have a lack of
Selenium which is nessesary to have the metabolic
Hormons function proporbly But if one take suplementation it is important to only take the Daily needed amount as it can easily get poisonous in too large doses.
I personaly have had help also from adding vitamin b12 in High Doses
I take a good multivitamin, B complex, B12, vitamin C and D3. Vitamins are vital with thyroid conditions as you can easily run low, especially in iron and b12.
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Low metabolism can make the overall body reactions slower and can also lead to a somewhat raised blood glucoe


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Hi Julie,

I am type one and have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism for nearly 2 years. I feel your pain with the chronic fatigue. Has your Dr done all the vitamin tests, antibodies etc for your thyroid.

I'm on 125mg of Levothyroxine and it works. The fatigue has recently come back though so I'll be going back to the Dr's next week to discuss it.



Well-Known Member
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Hi Julie,

I am type one and have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism for nearly 2 years. I feel your pain with the chronic fatigue. Has your Dr done all the vitamin tests, antibodies etc for your thyroid.

I'm on 125mg of Levothyroxine and it works. The fatigue has recently come back though so I'll be going back to the Dr's next week to discuss it.

Hi Kelly

The 50mg of thyroxine got my TSH down to 2 but now it's crept back up to 6 and 2 above range. I feel so fatigued and weak again. I am sure my GP seems to think you can't be so chronically fatigued because of it.

Yes, I have had vitamins tested often. B12 was low end of normal in 2015 so I supplement and that's helped. My ferritin levels are low and have been for many years, I take a liquid iron as I can't stomach the tablets from my GP but ferritin is rising very slowly.I have had my antibodies tested and they were negative both times. My GP at first said I couldn't have hypothyroidism if my antibodies were normal but not everyone with hypothyroidism has autoimmune hashimotos, he didn't seem to grasp that and I had to educate him.

Thank you and I hope your thyroid continues to improve. Good luck at the docrors.

Julie x
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Thank you so much, anxiety is horrible isn't it. Since I have had the chronic fatigue since early last year and it led to agoraphobia I have felt my life is a huge mess. Anxiety alone is tough but agoraphobia makes me feel less of a wife and mother. I cant even do appointments anymore and my GP calls me or comes to my house, I feel such an idiot. Just being so ill with fatigue I lost all confidence and due to how fatigued and weak I feel I became too afraid to go out incase I passed out. I go out with hubby and the kids but not more than once a week at the moment due to how fatigued I have been again. It's horrible and I sit crying often worried I am letting my family down. My GP hopes the increase in thyroxine will help.

afraid to go out incase I passed out.
ught to myself
Good afternoon @jingyd36 No worries I do know what it is to feel that you will pass out but trust me you never will,its the fear of passing out that fuels your anxiety,its a loop,I got to the stage where I was light headed for months but in the end I thought to myself so what if I do its no big deal so I went out every day and took our friend anxiety,I used to float round Tescos but I didn't give in, with me,anxiety is just a bad habit that we keep doing,it isn't easy but doable, My apologies for going on a bit:)
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afraid to go out incase I passed out.
ught to myself
Good afternoon @jingyd36 No worries I do know what it is to feel that you will pass out but trust me you never will,its the fear of passing out that fuels your anxiety,its a loop,I got to the stage where I was light headed for months but in the end I thought to myself so what if I do its no big deal so I went out every day and took our friend anxiety,I used to float round Tescos but I didn't give in, with me,anxiety is just a bad habit that we keep doing,it isn't easy but doable, My apologies for going on a bit:)
No need to apologise, thank you for your help I apprecaite it.

I think being ill with the chronic fatigue and weakness it's triggered my anxiety even worse. I now can't see I will ever get back to where i was. I overcame my anxiety and agoraphobia after my brother attacked me, then i became ill physically and all of that returned. I now can't go out other than to take my children to school. I honestly can't see myself ever doing shops alone. I wish this ill health would sort itself out then I can get out there without that worry of how drained and fatigued I feel fueling my anxiety. I honestly all year felt that drained it would cause panic attacks if I went out alone so I became a bit of a recluse. I wish my health was sorted then Id know I just had my anxiety to deal with. Having ill health turned my world upside down.

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