Gynostemma pentaphyllum Nature's Metformin


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Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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Diet only
Health issues, uneducated doctors, and reality TV
I just received this from one of my online resources. Talk about timing.

Dear Dante,

Today I want to talk to you about AMPK, a powerful anti-diabetes enzyme found inside every cell of your body.

It gives your cellular energy levels a serious boost so you can function with youthful vitality.

Research in the Journal of Molecular Cellular Endocrinology shows that AMPK also:

  • Extends your life span;1
  • Improves glucose uptake and lowers your blood sugar;2
  • Keeps you slim by burning stored fat and preventing it from being stored;3
  • Protects you against the diseases of aging by reducing inflammation;4
  • Increases your mitochondria, the tiny power houses in your cells.5
These are similar to what Metformin — a highly profitable Big Pharma drug — does. But it comes with a host of unpleasant side effects like: dizziness, fatigue, diarrhea and even cardiovascular problems.6

Western medicine is fixated on treating type II diabetes with metformin in spite of there being tested, proven, natural sources that do the job quite nicely.

I've seen mainstream doctors prescribe Metformin for its anti-aging benefits. In fact, a few of my best friends who happen to be doctors take Metformin themselves for its anti-aging properties… but I don't agree with them.

I prefer to treat my patients with a natural ingredient that performs the same function as Metformin, activating AMPK, but without all nasty side effects.

Ancient Chinese medicine has known for centuries about an astonishing anti-aging plant they call Jiaogulan,meaning "little herb of immortality."

Given the fact that type 2 diabetes has become full-blown global epidemic — today, it's the eighth biggest killer in the world, affecting 1 in 11 adults — it's a travesty this herb is not widely recommended by Western doctors.7

Known to botanists as Gynostemma pentaphyllum, it's a vine belonging to the cucumber family — and it works by signaling AMPK which actually melts your fat cells.

AMPK triggers a process that takes the fuel from your melted fat and moves it into your cells to be burned as energy. It also takes sugar from your bloodstream and uses that as fuel for energy, too.

I've been using it for years to help my patients at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine boost their cellular energy levels, lose weight naturally and lower blood sugar.

AMPK boosts your cells' ability to take up glucose, instead of spiking blood sugar levels or storing it as fat.

And animal studies reveal its remarkable power to reduce the chronic inflammation at the root of most modern diseases.8 That's one of the reasons it's such a potent anti-aging substance.

AMPK "takes the temperature" of your cells to see how much energy you have. And when it's activated, it signals your cells to make more energy and slow down energy use. So you get energy to spare.

The problem is that as you age, your cells don't respond as well to AMPK.9 It's why you gain weight as you get older, which is often a precursor to the diseases of aging.

But that's where G. pentaphyllum comes in. Studies show that this herb significantly stimulates AMPK activity.

For diabetics, this can be a life-saver. In one study, type 2 diabetic subjects, who were not taking medication, were given a tea containing G. pentaphyllum. They experienced a 10-fold reduction in long-term blood glucose levels and a three-fold decrease in insulin resistance.10

There are a number of ways to boost AMPK in your body. Here's what I tell my patients:

Fasting: One sure-fire way of stimulating your AMPK levels is to drastically restrict your calories. When you reduce your food intake, AMPK activity increases. That's because your cells sense a need to function more efficiently and AMPK is released.11

I recommend my patients start with a safe, simple regimen of an eight-hour eating window each day, followed by a 16-hour fast.

Here's how it works…
  • Start your day with a 10 a.m. breakfast;
  • Lunch at your regular time;
  • Finish your dinner by 6 p.m.
  • Your body gets no additional food from 6 p.m. until 10 a.m. the following morning.
When your body gets used to the 16-hour fast, you can move up to the 24-hour mark.

Take a supplement: Fortunately you can take an AMPK-activator supplement to get the same calorie restriction effects — without starving yourself. You can find supplements containing G. pentaphyllum online. I recommend taking 150 mg per day.

Brew a tea: You can buy the leaves of G. pentaphyllum online and at specialty herb stores. Research shows that six grams daily of this tea quickly lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity — and you'll also get all of the other the anti-aging benefits of AMPK.12

The tea is simple to make:

  1. Bring water to a boil;
  1. Add 6 grams of G. pentaphyllum leaves;
  1. Let the brew steep for 10 minutes;
  1. Pour tea into cup through a strainer.
Can't get G. pentaphlyllum? Stay tuned and I'll show you a solution tomorrow.

Exercise with PACE: AMPK activity can also be increased with exercise, like my PACE program.13 When you deplete glycogen during a PACE workout, AMPK swings naturally into full effect.

It tells your muscles to convert blood sugar and store it as energy in the muscle, instead of turning it into body fat.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. It certainly looks like an interesting product. I've had a quick Google and it doesn't appear to have along list of side-effects. The comment in your article about Metformin is rubbish. It doesn't come with a 'Host of unpleasant side effects'. It has the one major one i.e. bowel issues which the SR (Slow Release) version normally fixes and that's about it and a few less common ones which any drug will have.