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  • Dear Daibell, Help!! I have a large purple patch on each knee. No pain nor blisters and the patches get even more purple in the shower. Have you seen or heard of anything like this please??

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    Daibell, you seem to have a handle on this horrible disease. Would you have the time to help me? I could give you all the relevant information, and maybe you could then point me towards a solution. If you can, should I post here, or by PM? Thank you.
    Hi, I am Lily Valley---yesterday my doctor told me I have diabetes- he said we will try to manage it with diet- and he is sending me for a blood test-that's all I know so far
    Hi - sorry. confused as to how/why my post was moved in Newly Diagnosed..you say it was "own thread"? What did I do? Where had I posted it? Don't understand. Then again, I might be daft. Paul
    my blood test for diabetes is over what it should be (20 to 40) and is 46. I've been given 3 mths to try and get the reading down. My BP was also high 150/80 despite being on 2 different prescription drugs to control it. I am very active, normal weight although have a non existence waistline ( I am female)! Can anyone please advise me how to tackle this?
    Hi Diabell my diabetic nurse thinks I may be type 1.5 how did you get diagnosed from type 2, I have been type 2 for 2 1/2 years now.
    hi my insulin is humlin m3 and take 3 =

    hi got your reply my insurlin is humlin m3 and I take 3 850mg metformin my bmi is 45 ish hba1c test last time was 71 and age 54
    Hello Daibell

    Can you kindly tell me how to post all the information under my posts such as medication, hba1c etc
    Thanks Ian
    Daibell , I will try the two hour after meal check to see what works , can I ask how long you have been diabetic ?
    Hi would be good if diabetic clinics told patients about this website and perhaps would save a lot of people problems
    Hi Daibell, i'm working at a production company and we are looking for people to participate in a video for a supermarket, promoting healthy eating to help improve diabetes. The video will be of someone with type 2 diabetes cooking a delicious healthy meal with our presenter (who has a background in nutrition) chatting whilst cooking in a home environment. You can contact me at [email protected] or on 02070332812
    hi Hun if you get chance will you take a peek at my latest post xx
    Hi Daibell, Am wondering about my diabetic neuropathy i have tried to control my sugar levels but nothing changes. I can no longer put on closed shoes due to the burning i feel inside. I have discussed it with my doctor but he is not giving me a clear answer fo the no change results on neuropathy
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    Sure to me too, it is painful so pls let me know if you get a solution.....
    Hi Daibell, my sugar level at times has been high 10-16 and that of course has given this problem, now im keeping it down a lot better, but you know the saying about the horse and the stable door,.thanks for reply. Steve
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