Had tests this AM but been unwell all day. Not sure what to even eat?


Hi and so sorry to trouble you all again. I had the blood tests this morning but havent checked any sugars for a couple of days and thought I would leave it to the gods as it were. Felt a little unwell this morning. Bloods were 9 am and I get up at 4 am everyday as husband is a diary farmer. Ran around like an idiot turning the horses out and mucking out, had a coffee and went to surgery. Had bloods but in the car on the way home had quite an instant hypo. I pulled into the side of the road and had half a bottle of lucozade that husband had left in there so I drank that. After half an hour felt well enough to drive home albeit quite nauseous. Had a slice of brown toast and butter but started to feel very sleepy and generally unwell. After I woke 2 hours later bloods were 12.1 and hovered around there all day. Just brought horses in and feeling shakey again, bloods now 3.2.
I totally appreciate you cant really help on this but just very confused as what is going on today but more importantly I dont know what to eat at the moment. Sorry again and thank you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1.5
Treatment type
Do you have an diagnosis?

Sound a bit like some sort of RH, were bloodsugar are raising before crashing into a hypo.


Hi, no, they said the results will be back tomorrow after 3 pm. On a plus note I have found some home made cauli-cheese in the freezer so will have that for dinner and hope this silly episode sorts itself out. Just feeling pretty rotten and groggy today. Unsure as to what RH does to you but have tried not to read too much until any results come back.


they are testing for diabetes via the HbA1c, thyroid function and cholesterol as well as FBC. I do have high cholesterol even at 8.5 stone and 5'1" as this is apparently hereditary. They "tried" to give me statins a few years ago and took them for a week......I have never been so ill in my life....never taken them since.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
they are testing for diabetes via the HbA1c, thyroid function and cholesterol as well as FBC. I do have high cholesterol even at 8.5 stone and 5'1" as this is apparently hereditary. They "tried" to give me statins a few years ago and took them for a week......I have never been so ill in my life....never taken them since.

Come back when you have all the results (ask for a print out or ask if they are available on line) and let us know what your HbA1c and cholesterol results are - plus the thyroid.