Spot on
@Taighnamona -
I'm lucky enough to have a somewhat supportive GP. For a while at the start of my treatment, my diagnosis was all over the place, and as a result I had a Glucometer and test strips on my list of prescriptions. With the diagnosis, I also (in the UK) have these paid for by the state. Later on, I had a CGM as well, but as my diagnosis changed to T2, this was removed.
I agreed with my GP, however, to leave the glucose test strips on my list of repeat prescriptions, so I'm able to keep testing as I progress toward remission.
This was a compromise, as I was asking for Ketone strips as well; clearly my argument was that it was cheaper to support dietary change than deal with the result with drugs, and that a years supply of ketone strips were about the same as a month of CGM use.
Also - that testing for glucose doesn't tell you anything about insulin (well, not enough anyway) - and that to fully understand what was going on, I needed to track glucose and ketones (ketones really indicating low insulin).
That didn't fly, and I wasn't pushing it... the GPs have less flexibility than we might think, and I was happy with the compromise, so I fund the ketone measurement, and the NHS funds the glucose.
Your mileage will definitely vary, but I think developing a relationship as much as you can with your GP or support team (and helping to see the result of well directed effort) can only be a good thing, for you and anyone who follows...