HbA1c test?


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Rang doctors today, hbA1c test still not back, it's almost a week now!
The doctor said the nurse is ringing me tomorrow morning to talk about my vitamin d levels , would anyone know if vitamin d levels are linked to diabetes please?


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Rang doctors today, hbA1c test still not back, it's almost a week now!
The doctor said the nurse is ringing me tomorrow morning to talk about my vitamin d levels , would anyone know if vitamin d levels are linked to diabetes please?

Oh...I hoped they'd have your HbA1c result today too. It's not easy waiting... :(

Low vitamin D levels are a problem, and not just for diabetes. Glad they caught it. :)

Most of us have to take 1 to 2 thousand IU a day to maintain our levels. You may need to take 5 thousand IU for a while to get your levels back into the normal range. Here's a good overview... http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/03/09/vitamin-d-diabetes-dementia.aspx :)


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I have vitamin D deficiency :( nurse is giving me some supplements, still no Ac1 results, she's chasing them up today
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Billy Ruffian

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I have vitamin D deficiency :( nurse is giving me some supplements, still no Ac1 results, she's chasing them up today

Last Thursday my GP took blood for a Hba1c test. He rang me the day after, as he promised, with the result.


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Got mine today 2 weeks after waiting,

It's 40 not sure what that means but doc said normal, but don't want to see me, I thought I'd have to discuss why I have 2 fasting blood glucose tests at 6.4 :( still don't know where I am


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normal :) If the doctor isnt worried about the fastings then ignore them for now until your vit D levels are returned and then test them again. Do you have a meter?
Have you been eating lots of fruit in the last year?
Had antibiotics?

The reason I asked is that fructose requires vitamin D for the body to process it and if you arent getting enough over winter you are likely to run low. Antibiotics could have thrown off your gut microbes and cause absorbtion issues. There are so many things that can cause it.


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No not had no antibiotics and don't eat much fruit at all, might have an apple or banana every few months.

I started a low carb diet after my first raised blood glucose test, and I lost 7lb in weight but still have the 6.3 on my second test but then hbAc1 test is normal , feel happy but a bit confused


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Got mine today 2 weeks after waiting,

It's 40 not sure what that means but doc said normal, but don't want to see me, I thought I'd have to discuss why I have 2 fasting blood glucose tests at 6.4 :( still don't know where I am

@Bethsmum It took me a while to figure out but I believe your HbA1c result was 40 mmol/mol (or 5.8%) which is a non-diabetic result, a big drop from your previous HbA1c results of 6.4% and 6.3%. This is the page used to make the conversion... http://www.diabetes.co.uk/hba1c-units-converter.html

I had a look around, and it appears that a third of Britons have pre-diabetes and that there has been push back against diagnosing it... http://www.nhs.uk/news/2014/07july/pages/prediabetes-label-unhelpful-experts-argue.aspx

So, what does this mean for you?

I think, and this is my opinion only, based on conversations we've had about your fasting, and 2 hour post meal blood glucose results that you've gotten with your meter, you have pre-diabetes, which means you've caught it very early, and that's good. :)

By continuing to monitor 4 times a day, daily for a while, then perhaps 2 to 3 days a week, you'll begin to learn what foods you tolerate well, and hopefully, with the help of diet and exercise you will be able to stop the progression to type 2 diabetes.

I attended an online healthy heart summit all last week, and was shocked to learn that heart disease is found in individuals with blood glucose levels as low as 95-100 mg/dL (5.3-5.6 mmol/L), so for the sake of your cardiovascular health, learning how to maintain lower blood glucose levels now will lessen your risk of heart attach or stroke. :)

Beth, as I recall you had low vitamin D levels. Has your doctor prescribed vitamin D3 for you yet? Are you taking them yet? Low vitamin D levels can cause a lot of unwanted problems. Your body needs it.

Symptoms of deficiency in adults:

• Proximal muscle weakness

• Gradual onset and persistent

musculoskeletal pain (often in

back or lower limbs)

• Waddling gait

• Fragility fracture

• Carpopedal spasm, tetany, seizures or

irritability due to



Are you still having symptoms? Or are you feeling better now?
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The 6.4 and 6.3 were the results of my fasting glucose blood tests and the hbA1c was 40! Are they the same thing?
I still feel the same as I did before, although I felt a bit better after I lost the first bit of weight. I have got vitamin d tablets now I have to take 1 everything 3 days


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I still have a list of symptoms and I have my own meter and have been testing before dinner can be between 4.5 and 5.5 then 2 hours later it will be around 7.5 and 8.
I find if my blood sugar is 4.4 that when I start feeling shaky and a bit rough


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Beth, there are two ways to state the HbA1c:

DCCT - % or mmol/mol.

5.8% is the DCCT - %; 40 is 40 mmol/mol - (reading this brief article might help... http://www.diabetes.co.uk/hba1c-units-converter.html ).

HbA1c results are different from your blood glucose meter's results. The readings you just shared are 7.5 mmol/L, 8 mmol/L, and 4.4 mmol/L.

Sorry to hear you're still feeling badly. What are your symptoms?
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I am very tired most of the time, even more so after eating,
I go to the toilet a lot,
I get shaky if I haven't eaten for a while
Blurry vision


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Diet only
I am very tired most of the time, even more so after eating,
I go to the toilet a lot,
I get shaky if I haven't eaten for a while
Blurry vision

Beth, I'm going to be gone for four hours. What did your doctor check other than your blood glucose levels? By that I mean lab work. Did he check your TSH T3 and T4? You really don't sound well.


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Beth, if you are eating a low carb high fat diet, and you're peeing a lot, it can deplete your electrolytes quickly - (sodium which is salt, potassium, and magnesium). That could make you feel ill too. I'll be back later today. It's usually salt that people on the LCHF diet need most at first, particularly when the weather is hot. I take sometimes a 1/2 teaspoon of salt a day in hot water when I'm having headaches, tiredness, etc.
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Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
3 weeks ago my HBA1C was 71 (4 weeks before it was 78) Dr at Hospital Diabetes Clinic wants it down to 60 when I go back in October. I am Type 2 (had it 15 years) use 38 Units of Humulin I insulin daily and take 4 x 500mg Metformin daily and 1 x 5mg of Dapagilflozin daily - only been on the Insulin 1 year and I put on 1 stone in weight in this time.


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I have been doing LCHF for a while now and I was having a lot of problems with dizziness, headaches and peeing a lot. Since taking magnesium supplements and adding a bit of salt back into my diet everything is fine. I also used to get the shakes quite often which I corrected by eating a bit of cheese, chicken or peanuts. You seem to be doing really well so keep up the good work. It sometimes takes your body time to adjust to the changes.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
3 weeks ago my HBA1C was 71 (4 weeks before it was 78) Dr at Hospital Diabetes Clinic wants it down to 60 when I go back in October. I am Type 2 (had it 15 years) use 38 Units of Humulin I insulin daily and take 4 x 500mg Metformin daily and 1 x 5mg of Dapagilflozin daily - only been on the Insulin 1 year and I put on 1 stone in weight in this time.

@liam1955 I'm only 5 years behind you. What would you like to do? How can we support you in getting your A1c down? :)