Hello to all


I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a year ago , I think I have been in denial I don't tell people I'm diabetic I don't feel much different to how I felt before but some days I'm a little off colour shaking etc, anyway I was at docs yesterday and have been put on metformin tablets and 80mg cholesterol tabs so I suppose I have to accept it now, please could you tell me if you felt the same and how you coped. :D


Well-Known Member
Bad manors, exercising, not being able to eat what i want, being skint, getting up.
Hi Angie, i was diagnosed only a few weeks ago, on my birthday. I was completely shell shocked. I was very upset and frightened too.

I must admit i it crossed my mind to keep quiet but realised that is not the way i deal with things so i took the bull by the hornes so to speak and i'm getting on quite well. It's hard to loose the way of life you've enjoyed and lets face it eating is fun, eating whatever you want is fantastic but alas gone now. Still at least as Sugarless Sue says we'll die with our feet on.


thanks dippydeedi
i've been trying to get my head round it today and i suppose i've no choice , its a bit like school reports they always say must try harder :D or used to in my day i don't even know if they get school reports now !


Well-Known Member
I went the opposite way to you. After spending most of my life feeling like **** and being fobbed off with excuses, when I *finally* found out what was actually wrong I threw myself into dealing with it. It's complicated, but easier than you think!


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
I had a stroke nearly 6 years ago and that's when it was found. As I was paralysed down one side at the time, I had much more to worry about. Since my husband (32 years at tthat time) is a T1, I thought I knew it all.
Now I have discovered that if I keep away from carbs most of the time, I can carry on almost regardless.
I control the diabetes, it does NOT control me.
I am fitter now than I was at 40and slimmer too.