Hi from Snapsy


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Hi folks, just wanted to say hi,

Not been at all well over the summer, and am still not really back up to being the whole Snapsy, but I've been missing the forum and just wanted to check in. Keeping on top of social media has been beyond my capability recently!

Going to have a cruise round now and see what's new - it looks as if there's lots going on!

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The smell of cigars
Nice to "see" you again. I'm still trying the running, but am stuck in week 4. Haven't given up though. Hope you are ok.
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
Hey @Snapsy

glad you got a bit of your mojo -- if not all of it !!

good to have you here again !
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Glad to see you again.. been thinking I'd not seen you around and just beginning to worry.
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Been missing y'all! Thanks so much for the open arms....

Am sure I must be improving but I remain athletically frustrated (from running 15km and swimming 80-ish lengths per week to a shuffle down the lane and back every couple of days at the speed of a half-asleep slug). I am reassured that things will get better.

It seems that *just* a kidney infection can do this ('this' being muscle weakness, fatigue and a scary inability to achieve virtually anything at all). Ironic really - I was so fit!

Still, my appetite's come back! Am enjoying matching cheese consumption to my desired weight gain - that's quite a lot of cheese.....

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Type 1
I just joined but wanted to say get well soon! Hope you'll be back to your full athletic capabilities in no time! Very impressive!
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Been missing y'all! Thanks so much for the open arms....

Am sure I must be improving but I remain athletically frustrated (from running 15km and swimming 80-ish lengths per week to a shuffle down the lane and back every couple of days at the speed of a half-asleep slug). I am reassured that things will get better.

It seems that *just* a kidney infection can do this ('this' being muscle weakness, fatigue and a scary inability to achieve virtually anything at all). Ironic really - I was so fit!

Still, my appetite's come back! Am enjoying matching cheese consumption to my desired weight gain - that's quite a lot of cheese.....


Yes! "Just" a kidney infection can indeed do all that. (Speaks the sad, sad voice of experience and recalling the summer of doom which included flu and a kidney infection.) I was debilitated for weeks.

Hooray for a returned appetite.


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I was debilitated for weeks.
@Japes I'm so pleased you said this - I have been getting really scared that that's it, my active life is over! I've now been reassured that I'm not abnormal - that's calmed me down a lot. Thank you.

Got the infection in the second week of August, went to work last Thursday (!) for the first time - worked 3 hrs Thursday and Friday, then two really full-on days doing a weekend event - and have not worked this week due to wheels-fallen-off exhaustion. Pathetic. Weekend 2 of same event starting tomorrow.

I had had no experience of this kind of illness 'hangover' until now. I have a friend with CFS and although I have always really sympathised and supported her, I had no first-hand experience or recognition of the frustration of muscles just not working (one of her long term symptoms), and it taking 10 minutes instead of 3 to get to the shop, and not having the strength in my arms to be confident driving. At least my brain has started semi-working again!

Leaving the room now so as not to bore anyone to tears!


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Glad my summer of doom has finally had some use! I'm rarely ill, but when I am, I do it well and truly. My then GP dismissed my initial reporting of symptoms until I returned a week later insisting I was never, ever this weak and feeble and it had to be more than just a flu-type cold. Blood was reluctantly taken and sent off with the comment I was over-reacting... it's the fastest response ever from a medical practice (other than the HbA1c result of 140) and I was on medication as soon as it could be delivered to me!

25 years on, the memory of the debilitation is still clear. Don't think I was fully right until nearly Christmas. (This also happened to me early August and I spent most of that August in bed.)