
Jo Bill

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi my names Jo and I have just joined the forum. Mainly because after nearly 15 hrs of type 2 I'm having to grab this disease by the b****.
I've messed around, not taking meds so I can lose weight and stretching the boundaries of cutting down on carbs and starch.
So ive spent a week researching as my Dr wants the next step to be insulin, which to me is a no! I've read loads about reversal and though I'm not under any illusions I can become diabetes free after all this time I'm sure going to give it a go.
So as of last week, I'm down to 50g carbs a day. This does not sound that low but im determined to count every last one of them carbs, even if they are in a seemingly harmless spear of brocoli.
After a week there is no weight loss(but no weight gain!) And sugars are fluctuating. (very strangely).
But it took me 45 years to become diabetic. There is no way that pancreas is going to start behaving after a week.
So, I'm in this for the long haul because I want to see my grand kids. I certainly want a retirement, preferably with both legs still attached. So if you fancy joining me on my journey. I'm going to give you a running commentary or you can give me one of your journey. Wish me luck.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Welcome to the forum @Jo Bill, it's great you have found your way here. This is a great start to reducing your blood sugars. There are many folks here who have grabbed their diabetes by the ***** ! I am not an expert on diet, but there are many people who are and have got their blood sugars right down, off meds , lost weight and into remission by diet. I will leave it to them to advise you on all things low carb. Suffice to say from me it's great that you are here. It's the start on your journey to reducing those blood sugar numbers. :D


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
HI jo, welcome on board. It's good to see you're determined to win over your diabetes.
It may well be that you are like myself, and have to go lower on the carbs at the start, to kick yourself into ketosis. Once there most people can increase their carb intake slightly, whilst staying in ketosis. It's generally reckoned that about 75g a day is the upper limit, however we are all different, and our own personal upper limit could be as low as 20g. The only way to find out is by trial and error. Good luck and keep us informed how things are going.
As a matter of interest what do your numbers look like. That would enable us to perhaps suggest some things you can try.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi Jo, welcome to the forum! Making lifestyle changes like reducing carb intake can be challenging, but it's great to hear that you're committed to it for the long haul. Wishing you the best of luck!


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Jo Bill,

Welcome to the Forum. It sounds like you are on the right track. If you are limiting yourself to 50G of carbs a day you should lose weight but as @ajbod says you may need to go lower initially. I am convinced that low carb works its just a matter of tailoring it to your own medical circumstances.
I started on a 50G a day regime and it worked for me. I lost a substantial amount of weight and within 3 months my Hba1c was back to normal. But... I was only just over the diabetic threshold when diagnosed and we all have different physiology and history/numbers.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being on holiday....
Hi Jo
I can understand the concern about insulin.

Theres no mention of exercise in your post?

Where i am coming from is as a type 1 of 50 years the equation for me is insulin food and exercise.

Walking is my thing and i have spent hours analysing the effect it has on my levels using my freestyle libre.

I average 15000 steps a day and if my levels are higher than i want them to be a quick 30 minutes stroll pulls them back in range.

This works for me and theres a bit more to it than that but if you just increase your walking as a starting point and see what happens?

Just a thought and i wish you well.
