High readings during all day? I need to get control back


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I am diabetic type 2 , recently switched from Lantus to Toujeo my new long term taken in the evening and also I have been switched to Freestyle Libra2 with the sensor now in my arms due to the demise of Diasend to record my readings .
i take Toujeo units 48 units at night but I cannot get control of my daily readings at the moment I am not taking any Novo Rapid during the day due to my high readings i am hovering around high 17 s to 21 during the day and get high glucose warnings . I f I take any Novo Rapid in the morning or midday or evenings this seams to push it higher .i would appreciate any advice on what am I doing wrong and how to correct my use and application of the insulin.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi @Eassojo, welcome to the forum.

I'm a diet managed T2, so won't be able to help, however there are lots of T1 and T2 members here who use insulin and will be able to advise. Tagging a couple of staff and ex-staff members who always offer good advice on these matters - @Antje77 and @EllieM.

PS. I think it's generally advised to keep all communication on forum, rather than personal email etc. You may wish to edit your post and remove this, as the forum and posts on it are publicly accessible (unless you've changed your settings so your posts can only be seen by registered members I think).
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi @Eassojo , another welcome to the forum, and thanks for the tag @Paul_ .
i take Toujeo units 48 units at night but I cannot get control of my daily readings at the moment
What instructions have you had on dosing your insulin?
If your readings are high all the time, you're not getting enough insulin. Are you in regular contact with your diabetes nurse for advice on dose adjustments?

Not taking your Novorapid during the day won't help, please start taking it again!
Are you on fixed doses for each meal, or do you calculate your dose depending on the amount of carbs you eat?

All carbs end up as glucose in your blood, so you might want to try eating a little less carbs to see if this helps. Be careful though, and always carry your glucose meter and some quick acting sugar with you in case you go too low!
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