High Sugars and Weight Loss


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
For the last 7 years I am T2 (diet controlled) with underactive thyroid (thyroxine). Before Xmas my Hba1c was 6.9 but my TSH was 12. On new years day I began frequent urination and had a ultra dry mouth. My sugars in the evening was 27.

For the last 4 weeks I have seen lows of 2.1 to 'HI' showing on the glucose m/c. The average is 19.8. I have lost over 2 stones in 3 weeks. During this time the doctor has prescribed 2000mg of Metformin and 40mg of Glicazide; to which my sugars have increased.

But at the same time my TSH is now 4. Any clues to why the Metformin and Glicazide is not helping reduce the sugars.


Well-Known Member
You had best go and see your Doctor again, take a record of what you ate and your BGs.
If those meds are not doing the job either something else is wrong or you need more/different meds.

One thing is sure, you cannot carry on like that, you have poor results at both ends of the scale. If allowed to continue complications will set in in due time.



soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Definitely see the doctor.
High sugar and rapid weight loss is a sign that the diabetes is out of control. don't know enough about thyroid to help with that

ClaireG 06

Well-Known Member
I agree, that doesn't sound right at all. I would may an appointment to see your Dr or a diabetic nurse as soon as possible.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks for the concern. I been to my Doctors several times and a visit to A&E. Both are puzzled as I don't exhibit all typical symptoms of a person with high sugars. There are no ketones present and I actually feel fine in myself this week. My Docotr has referred me to a Diabetic Clinic. One Theory is Type 1 incorrectly diagnosed as Type 2. Can Type 2 turn into Type 1?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Porter said:
One Theory is Type 1 incorrectly diagnosed as Type 2. Can Type 2 turn into Type 1?
No, but it might have been type 1 all along - that's what happened with me.
If you are older when you first get type 1, it happens more slowly than if you are a child/teenager. The cells are killed off slowly, so at the start the insulin production is decreasing slowly. This is why the tablets worked at the start for me - the metformin was making what little insulin there was more effective, and the pioglitazone and glizsomething were making the remaining beta cells work harder and produce more insulin.

I don't know why they don't test for type 1 as standard for people newly diagnosed with diabetes. I assume it is to save money :(


Well-Known Member
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Hiya! Yes, that's what happened to me too and it made me very ill. Not only will the Gliclazide not work for very long in this situation, it is possible that it will make the whole situation worse by overworking your already-struggling pancreas. The consultant told me that about 20% of those diagnosed with Type 2 are actually misdiagnosed Type 1s, Type 1.5s, LADAs etc. If this is the case with you, it might improve for a while and then get worse again, but you won't control it properly until you're on insulin, so you really must see a specialist urgently.

Insist on a same-day referral to the diabetes clinic - I didn't know that was possible, and they made me wait 3 months for an urgent appointment. Once I got to the specialist, he did his nut about the doctor putting the referral through the normal system instead of ringing for a same day appointment.

My BGs were pinging about from the low 4s to the mid 20s. I cut out all obvious carbs while I waited for my appointment and that managed to stabilise them around the 10 mark - it might be worth you doing this while you wait for your appointment - although I'm not sure if that will make your low readings worse (it didn't for me - it brought my lows up a bit and my highs down considerably).

Good luck



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks again. My BG this morning was 21. After taking the metformin and glicazide my stomach feels bloated. The Doctor has referred me to the Diabetic Clinic and claims I should hear from them within 7 days. :|

I have cut out most added sugars such as biscuits, cakes etc. I have reduced carbs but may try even more reduction. The drugs appear to be doing nothing though.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
Although you are not new to Diabetes maybe going back to basics may help you with your diet. Here is the advice that Ken and I post for new Diabetics and I hope it may help you.

Here is the advice we usually give to newly diagnosed diabetics. We hope that these few ideas gained through experience help you to gain control and give you some understanding of Diabetes. This forum doesn't always follow the recommended dietary advice, you have to work out what works for you as we are all different.

It's not just 'sugars' you need to avoid, diabetes is an inability to process glucose properly. Carbohydrate converts, in the body, to glucose. So it makes sense to reduce the amount of carbohydrate that you eat which includes sugars.

This is NOT a low carb diet suggestion, just a reduction in your intake of carbohydrate. You have to decide yourself how much of a reduction will keep your blood glucose levels in control.

The main carbs to avoid OR reduce are the complex or starchy carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, starchy root veg and also any flour based products. The starchy carbs all convert 100% to glucose in the body and raise the blood sugar levels significantly.

If you are on Insulin you may find that reducing the carb intake also means that you can reduce your dose of insulin. This can help you to keep weight gain down as Insulin tends to make you put on weight and eventually cause insulin resistance. This should be done slowly so as not to cause hypos.

The way to find out how different foods affect you is to do regular daily testing and keep a food diary for a couple of weeks. If you test just before eating, then two hours after eating, you will see the effect of certain foods on your blood glucose levels. Some foods, which are slow acting carbohydrates, are absorbed more slowly so you may need to test three or even four hours later to see the effect that these have on your blood glucose levels.

Buy yourself a carb counter book (you can get these on-line) and you will be able to work out how much carbs you are eating, when you test, the reading two hours after should be roughly the same as the before eating reading, if it is then that meal was fine, if it isn’t then you need to check what you have eaten and think about reducing the portion size of carbs.

When you are buying products check the total carbohydrate content, this includes the sugar content. Do not just go by the amount of sugar on the packaging as this is misleading to a diabetic.

As for a tester, try asking the nurse/doctor and explain that you want to be proactive in managing your own diabetes and therefore need to test so that you can see just how foods affect your blood sugar levels. Hopefully this will work ! Sometimes they are not keen to give Type 2’s the strips on prescription, (in the UK) but you can but try!!

If you are an Insulin user in theory you should have no problem getting test strips.

The latest 2010 NICE guidelines for Bg levels are as follows:
Fasting (waking).......between 4 - 7 mmol/l........(Type 1 & 2)
2 hrs after meals......no more than 8.5 mmol/l.....( Type 2)

2hrs after meals....... no more than 9 mmol/l ......(Type 1)

If you are able to keep the post meal numbers lower, so much the better.

It also helps if you can do 30 minutes moderate exercise a day. It doesn't have to be strenuous.

The above is just general advice and it is recommended that you discuss with your HCP before making any changes. You can also ask questions on the forum on anything that is not clear.



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Thanks, I train minimum of twice weekly at my gym (22 years). I will look into Carb reduction. I just had a salad lunch :lol:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Porter said:
The Doctor has referred me to the Diabetic Clinic and claims I should hear from them within 7 days. :|
if I were you I'd go back to your doctor tomorrow and demand a blood test for type 1 diabetes - there are 3 things they can test for, there's a list on wikipeadia if you are interested, but I would hope the GP can look up the tests needed if he doesn't personally know. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the appointment with the diabetic clinic and then wait again for the test results.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I have an appointment with the Diabetic Clinic on Tuesday. Good news that my sugars are now between 10.5 to 15 over the last 36 hours. The reduced carbs are helping. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
BG yesterday reach 6.3 and 7.4 :D This morning was 8.0. Dunno if it is lower carb intake or increased glicazide :?:


Well-Known Member
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Hey! Well done - that's brilliant progress :) I dunno whether the meds are helping, but I'm sure the low carb is! Make sure you are keeping a diary of what you eat and work the carb content out and take it all with you to the specialist - that way you can make the point that it is only since you cut the carb that your BGs have started to stabilise. If yoou don't do this, they will just think it's the meds - they will probably get you to increase the carbs and see if BG goes up again and will see you in a week to assess. The point is you can probably only control your BG by cutting carb to almost nothing - that means you probably need insulin to help your body cope. Make sure you know your facts about how you've brought your BG down and ask lots of questions - don't just accept things, because you need to find out if you're insulin deficient as opposed to insulin resistant. Good luck and let us know how you get on!



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Further good news, I am now in single figures for BGs. This morning was 6.0. Carbs are still low, reduced my metformin as I had another adverse reaction to them one evening. Watch this space. :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I have seen the Diabetic Nurse yesterday. She believes it may have been a virus that affected my blood sugars. I been told to monitor my sugars each day. She is referring me to a dietician as I have never seen one in the 7 years. Latest sugars still lower than 7 after meals. :D