Highs at night


Hi everyone,

On week 4 of pump trial, insulin has been reduced every week so far basal mainly.

For teh last 4 nights I have had high sugars going from 13 at 1am to 16 by 4am and 17 by the time I get up.

I am going to bed with levels between 6-8, this is 3 hours post meal and with a rise of at least 2 mmol post meal.

I have tried increasing my night basal by 10% and my sugars did teh same pattern last night.

Was going to try and increase by 20% tonight and see what happens.

Tried getting hold of teh nurse and Consultant but no anwser yet and I don't have a pump appt for 2 weeks now.

Any advice or suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Insects, ignorance, horror films.
I'm 2.5 weeks into my pump therapy and currently battling with the same problem. I can go to bed in the 6s and and wake up in the 16s! I'm going to bed well after my last meal too. My nurse has so far put me on a higher dose of just an extra 0.125 between the hours of 12am and 12pm.
It's hasn't even occurred to me that it could be the dawn phenomenon. May have to do some extreme testing through the night tonight.
Hope you figure it out and everything is going well with the pump x


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
So from weeks 1-3 on the pump night readings were normal, but only now they were in this high range? But only high at night? Not having to correct extra during the day?

If so, odd, but I would check for partial infusion set blockage. Maybe bolus is mostly working but basal is blocking. Have you done a set change?