How are NICE guidelines conveyed to GP's.


Well-Known Member
I We are kept up to date on various important matters and publicaions by our good friend Cowboy JIm but I recently found myself asking the pharmacy chain from whom I purchased one of my BP meers what i should say to my Diabetes practice Nurse when she cass scorn upon home esting despite the recent changes in guidelines.
It annoys me when I am forced to do things like this. I am convinced this is to distract my attention from the fact that she knows very little about diabetes. My medication reviews ar hi-jacked and medicatin is never dicscussed. At my annual review he doctoer accepted my bp monitor readings as , mostly in the in the teens over about 65 they had gone o the op of the scale shortly before the consultation thanks to my White coat Syndrome.
I was advised o buty a BP monior almost immediately after diagnosis.
I actually own two BP monitors {different makes} which agree with each other to within a point or two when used at the same ime on fdifferen arms.
In spite of recent changes o guidelines regarding BP the nurse rubbishes all home moitoring .

I was wondering if anyone knew how the GOPs surgeries received information from NICE..In paper form or via some computer link? I know his sounds like a silly question but I mainly atend a branch of the main surgery and there are often communication problems because of this.