How did you find out you had diabetes?


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Type 1
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I was recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I had all the classic symptoms, weight loss, excessive thirst, frequent urination, etc. I would get really dizzy after eating certain foods with carbs in them. I avoided going to the doctor for the longest time, hoping it would pass. Then I noticed my urine was sudsy and someone told me my breath smelled fruity, and the next thing I know, I'm being rushed to the hospital! The ER doctor said I had DKA and me, thinking I was dying, just stared blankly at him. He explained what DKA was and told me I was very sick. After about a week's stay at the hospital, I feel somewhat better physically, but I'm really upset about the diagnosis. Do all type 1 diabetics get diagnosed after being DKA?
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Well-Known Member
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Prefer not to say
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Diet only
Diabetes, know it alls
The answer to your question - Nope. I displayed all the classic signs and took myself off to the gp. T1 was confirmed and I had an emergency appt with the Hosp DSN, but I wasn't an in-patient. Of course you're upset about the diagnosis, it's a shock to the system, but keep reading the posts here on the forum. I'm a newbie (diagnosed just 6 months ago) and am still going through a myriad of emotions, anxiety, fedupness, anger, sadness - all sorts, but the guys here on the forum have been an enormous source of help and support. I'm not on my own and neither are you. From time to time, we can have a laugh too :). Keep in touch.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I was exactly the same as you I went in for a hip operation and was still feeling poorly after a few weeks. Next thing doctor at home, ambulance, intensive care nearly died. 8 months on still juggling and a big shock.


Active Member
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Type 1
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The answer to your question - Nope. I displayed all the classic signs and took myself off to the gp. T1 was confirmed and I had an emergency appt with the Hosp DSN, but I wasn't an in-patient. Of course you're upset about the diagnosis, it's a shock to the system, but keep reading the posts here on the forum. I'm a newbie (diagnosed just 6 months ago) and am still going through a myriad of emotions, anxiety, fedupness, anger, sadness - all sorts, but the guys here on the forum have been an enormous source of help and support. I'm not on my own and neither are you. From time to time, we can have a laugh too :). Keep in touch.

Waiting to laugh, again. Thanks.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
blood sugar hit 31 next thing I know heart attack in ambulance and thanks to them guys I am still here to tell the tales.....
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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No, not all are diagnosed in DKA. I was diagnosed as a youngster and had probably been losing my beta cells for a year when I was finally diagnosed. The hospital couldn't believe I wasn't in with DKA as my Glucose level was something ridiculous.


Active Member
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Type 1
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No, not all are diagnosed in DKA. I was diagnosed as a youngster and had probably been losing my beta cells for a year when I was finally diagnosed. The hospital couldn't believe I wasn't in with DKA as my Glucose level was something ridiculous.

For what it's worth, the ER doctor told me having a high blood sugar doesn't necessarily mean you'll get DKA; but he told me to watch for ketones in my urine. That was the biggest indication; that and fruity breath. My blood sugar has been really high since I've been back, but my urine is crystal clear. And my breath stinks right now, so I'm OK! ;-)
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Hi I was at my sisters for a weeks holiday, hundreds of miles from home. All the classic signs of Type 1 and I became worse at my sisters, she called for a doctor, doctor came and said my breath smelled of pear drops, he called for an ambulance and off I went to North Tees hospital, scared and felt very alone and vulnerable, and stayed for a week in hospital ( missing my two children who were on holiday with their dad and his girlfriend !! ) Then a week at my sisters, as I was advised not to travel back on my own by coach. That was nearly 26 years ago.
Best wishes RRB
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi I was at my sisters for a weeks holiday, hundreds of miles from home. All the classic signs of Type 1 and I became worse at my sisters, she called for a doctor, doctor came and said my breath smelled of pear drops, he called for an ambulance and off I went to North Tees hospital, scared and felt very alone and vulnerable, and stayed for a week in hospital ( missing my two children who were on holiday with their dad and his girlfriend !! ) Then a week at my sisters, as I was advised not to travel back on my own by coach. That was nearly 26 years ago.
Best wishes RRB

"( missing my two children who were on holiday with their dad and his girlfriend !! )" <----- That part right there kind of makes you want to punch a wall, doesn't it? Or, your ex-husband. Whichever is closer. (No offense; I'm sure he's very good to the children.)
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
"( missing my two children who were on holiday with their dad and his girlfriend !! )" <----- That part right there kind of makes you want to punch a wall, doesn't it? Or, your ex-husband. Whichever is closer. (No offense; I'm sure he's very good to the children.)

Hi, well I developed type 1 when he left us, and years later I was told that his girlfriend ( his wife now) was one of the reasons he left, there were rumours going around at his place of work. My son told me and he was very angry about it, but I said that was years ago and it's in the past, so no big deal, but I was absolutely shocked and devastated when he left in 1989.
ps no offence taken at all, it was a long time ago. Take care,

Best wishes RRB


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Felt really seedy last year. Was drinking like it was going out of fashion and constantly running to the loo. Sometimes didn't actually make it. Had one particularly bad night and in the morning I was confused and dizzy and talking rubbish . my neighbour called nhs24 who listened to the symptoms and send an ambulance straight away. Can't remember much about my first fortnight in hospital but I remember the ambulance man saying my breath smelled of pear drops. On speaking to the hospital doctor he told me I was admitted with DKA and he hooked me up to an insulin machine. After what seemed like gallons of blood was taken and tested the result came back it was type2 after all so I'm home on 2 metformin a day.
What I want to know is are most people diagnosed in such a traumatic way?
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I had all the signs of diabetes but didn't realise it. Went 2 a and e with a suspected dvt. Took bloods and they were very high. Type 2.
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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I had all the signs of diabetes but didn't realise it. Went 2 a and e with a suspected dvt. Took bloods and they were very high. Type 2.
thanks Margaret, I'm just confused cos I'd been in hospital 6 month earlier with a pulmi ory embolism. It just seems to have happened so swiftly.


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
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Type 2
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Cruelty to Animals/Children
In hospital with 'both' in 2009 - both pneumonia and septis infections .
Getting no better - so was tested "twice" for Diabetes .
Was weary with sore feet and endlessly needing the loo .

My "D" day was 30th Dec 2009 ( totally ruined my new year eve!)
Rest is history now though ...

Wasn't happy 'fuming' - as had fought my way back from the other illnesses
To be hit with this one to impact me for the rest of my life !

Found out since I am Mody 7 type/relevant with Mito Chondrial disease .
Energy cell relevant - was either born without enough of them or they are damaged ?
Explains how/why feeling so exhausted throughout my life !

Full of auto immune disease's too .
Keep getting them ...

Hypothyroidism , Coeliac/Wheat intolerant , Low VitaminC/D levels .
Just getting over shingles currently .

So just soldier and battle on best that I can do :)
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Tablets (oral)
I started off with palpitations resulting in a trip to A+E one eve, bloods taken found to have a high TSH level so advised to see GP. I did this the following day and basically told not a prob we will repeat in 6 wks. I was getting married around that time so got them done 2 wks beforehand TSH was higher end if normal but vit d level very low. I got married had my honeymoon then a few wks later developed an abcess under my arm put it down to having had flu and putting used tissue inside my bra strap, went to gp saw the same person who I'd seen earlier in the year! She told me to use t tree oil and not shave my underarms.I at that point suggested whether my sugars were high was told no I don't think so, so off I trotted with anitbiotics which I had been tild not to use unless was necessary totalky disregarded that advice and they went away. zoom forward 2mths got another bout of flu and again got the boils, feeling thirsty periodically and getting up during the night. classic signs but not always together went to gp had a barrage of bloods done ( saw a different one) was due to see gp in a wks time to see what blood results were when my colleague brought her mum's glucometer in, I did a fasting glucose and the result was 24.2!!!!!!!!!! Trip back to gp the following day and commenced on metformin I was really annoyed at the other gp as that was 3 mths gone and the signs were there. I'm a nurse myself and should have realised but the symptoms I was experiencing weren't always together but looking back at how I was feeling, the blurred vision which I put down to being tired, classic symptoms but it was the abcesses that made me go in the end. My hba1c was 134 which means my glucose level had veen an average of 20 that's why I had palpitations, felt rotten, got accesses etc. I now make a point of not seeing that first GP as she wasn't interested at all.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Carbs and Blue Meanies
I lost loads of weight was peeing for england, hair went brittle and i puked after big meals, had strange dreams and i felt like do-do so got myself off to the docs, next thing i know i'm shooting up insulin every day, that was 19 years ago, i was 28. Now i'm trying to learn all about the condition and the best way to deal with it here.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I started feeling really ill over May bank holiday weekend - nearly 3 years ago. Got appointment with GP on the Weds. She took blood and tested urine - I had ketones and BGL of 33, went to hospital the next day and started on insulin straight away. Think I was lucky though - no DKA and only took one day off work.
I was 14 years of age and had just returned from an amazing vacation in France with my parents. My Mum was a Nurse and tested my wee. Told me I was almost certainly diabetic. I cried, thinking that like my Uncle, I would lose my legs, become wheelchair bound and incontinent. (He died shortly after of complications). 30 years on, I am still here, am now a Nurse (over 18 years or so) and have no complications AT ALL! As I say to anyone diagnosed with a long term, but manageable health condition "there are worse things." x
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Pura Vida

Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
I had a check up and it wasn't till about 6 month later when I went to see the Dr, that he told me . that was 25 years ago . I read some diabetic books and almost had me depressed . hopeless. , gradually changed my diet to LCHF 2 years ago . I am feeling better as time goes by at 74.
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Tablets (oral)
Taken away in an ambulance from school, blood sugar levels of 32. Thought I was having a heart attack, but wasn't! Really bad way to be diagnosed as under the hospital care and GP so neither wanted to take responsibility!