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@Jaylee opening up is not his thing and I actually found out he's diabetic a month into dating him. It was pretty funny because we went out for dinner, he took out his insulin pen and at first I thought it's e-cigarette and me shocked asked "you smoke?!" - he looked at me like I'm crazy and he said "no, I'm diabetic"... which surprised me even more because on our first date we had a cake :D

Yep, some of us can be cagey with it... My wife found out the the night it all "shifted gear" & I was requested to stay the night.
But oh no, I wasn't so bold as to count my chickens this early & I didn't have my long acting. (Basal.)
I asked her to give me 20 whilst I go & get something...

I returned, knocked at the door & as she opened waved this rather feminine looking pen in front on my face, uttering the word "glargine." (I have no idea why the basal pens always look more girly than the bolus.)
The look of shock. She thought it was some wierd "adult toy. drug concoction?"
I corrected, "it's insulin. I'm diabetic." The rest is history. :)


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Stupid people
@liverly good on you for trying to find out a bit more about your other halves diabetes. On the hypo front, for me I get really defensive, my girlfriend will ask me if I am ok and I will snap back YES at her.....whatever she asks me to do after that I will do the complete opposite.


@Jaylee haha adult toy, perfect :D
I was quite concerned when he told me he's diabetic but then I finally understood why everything is being planned around food.

@porl69 does she have a solution for that?


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Hello, I’m sorry you are going through this. I’ve been in hypo situations where I’ve completely rejected all kinds of food. Especially during times where I was not hungry. My bf is a big softie and he is very calm, he would sit down with me and grab two drinks - one diet and one full sugar, he would give me the sugary one and pretend he is helping me drink. But in reality I was drinking it but you know being hypo, I am slightly disorientated, my moral compass is out of the window and some how I’d listen to him and think we are in some kind of sharing food romantic session.


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@Jaylee haha adult toy, perfect :D
I was quite concerned when he told me he's diabetic but then I finally understood why everything is being planned around food.

To be fair to yer bloke.
It doesn't sound like he's burying his head in the sand regarding his condition & somewhat omitting dosage?
Which unfortunately can happen for some, when striving for the "normality" they perceive in a non D lifestyle..


@Jaylee no, I don't think so. Never seen him without the insulin. Once he forgot to take it with him, realised 5 mins after arriving to my place and went back for it. It was still very early into the relationship, I didn't know much how everything works and I stupidly asked if he cannot take it later (after he goes back home) as the dinner is nearly ready. Again that same "are you insane?" look which he gave me when I asked if he smokes :wacky:
Obviously he's not happy he needs it but he is a very responsible person and would never try to omit the insulin.
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Retired Moderator
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@Jaylee no, I don't think so. Never seen him without the insulin. Once he forgot to take it with him, realised 5 mins after arriving to my place and went back for it. It was still very early into the relationship, I didn't know much how everything works and I stupidly asked if he cannot take it later (after he goes back home) as the dinner is nearly ready. Again that same "are you insane?" look which he gave me when I asked if he smokes :wacky:
Obviously he's not happy he needs it but he is a very responsible person and would never try to omit the insulin.

Yep, we can forget our stuff from time to time.
My wife will quite often remind me if we're heading out to a function regarding food..
But that's normal mutual support. I quite often need to remind my wife of something. "Don't forget the gift for your friend." (That sort of thing.)

Your chap could have possibly felt a little frustrated with himself forgetting the pen & thus ruining a dinner date?

But then hey, I've experinced dates in the distant past where she showed up opening the conversation about wedding bells & kids!? ;)

Your chap don't seem like he's totally out of control. There is tech that can be used with just a glance of a phone screen, which when understood can potentially predict & avert more serous lows..

I wish I had this stuff years ago. It might have stopped me rambling on about Norwegian death metal at my wife's boss's dinner party after bolusing too early before sitting down.. :banghead:

But hey, she still married me. & I was employed by her boss a couple of years later, too... :)
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@Jaylee thanks, he knows about the Libre as we spoke about it. However since we do not live in UK he is not eligible for one and he's not really up to paying over €130 monthly for sensors.