iBG Start and test strips on the NHS


Well-Known Member
Are there any Type 1s out there currently using this gadget? I'd like to know what you like about it versus your previous meter and whether you had any problems changing your the test strips.



Well-Known Member

I've been trialling it for the company that makes it. I've got to admit as much as I love new technology, I'm not getting on great with it. It's SO small, it makes you all fingers and thumbs, and I think the test strips are flimsy. So,in other words I wouldn't use it full time as I much prefer my contour meter even though it's a bit unsightly in a public place!

How have you been getting on with it?

By the way, I find it to be very accurate, which is a real plus!


Well-Known Member
I haven't used it. Just read an article about the launch and wondered what the "users" thought rather than the blurb issued by the newspapers. For a while I have thought there is a need for a gadget but not sure this adds anything that isn't already out there. What we need is something that can plug into all the kits (syringes, metres, food diaries) and pull all the data together rather than having to enter data all the time.

Does the software that goes with it have capacity to add in info about meds and does it have a food diary/lookup function? If it can pull all these features together, it might be worth a look. Otherwise, like you, my contour does the job nicely.

When you say it is very accurate - how was that tested?


I just contacted my clinic about getting one of these, They say they are £40 and they have no freebies left.
'PAY' for a glucose meter???????????
I've never paid for one, The way it normally works is give away the meter and charge a bit extra on the strips to the NHS.
They can keep it until it's free, I'm certainly not paying for one.
I realise type 2's have always had to buy these things but I am also against that as well.


Well-Known Member
You can add in carb value and insulin units but there is no food look up functionality.

The graphs aren't as good as my iPhone app (diabetes diary with 4.8 on icon if anyone interested) so I've not bothered inputting as I also keep paper record and that would be just too much faffing!

When I say it's accurate, it was a laymans view... Obviously used tester fluid, but more to the point, if you get a high reading, say, I always double check before I take correction dose as I'm insulin sensitive. If u test with one finger and another, or indeed same one, it gives you same reading. My contour can fluctuate a bit .