Initially I used Glyburide, Glipizide, and Micronase....


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Noise, Rap Music, Tattoos, Sloppy dressing, bad language, smoking and drinking, immoral character, Bad attitudes.
Now I shoot up every day with the insulin pen and the Lantus. Am I a Type I or a Type II diabetic? I was exposed to the defoliant Agent Orange in Vietnam, back in the 70's. Had a brain bleed in 2002 from high blood pressure. Went back on insulin after my weight went too low....I'm a skinny guy basically I guess the oral stuff is for overweight diabetics, and they probably wouldn't work now anyway.....


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
Hi @zdeneck
Am I a Type I or a Type II diabetic?
What does your doctor say? There are more than 2 types of diabetes out there and people often get classified as T2 just because they don't neatly fit into another diabetes classification. eg T3c have pancreatic damage so they don't produce enough insulin (and often digestive enzymes) but may still produce some.

I think (happy to be corrected if others disagree) that T1 is more associated by inability to produce enough insulin (usually eventually none, though some have residual production for years), and that deficiency is caused by an autoimmune reaction killing off their insulin producing cells. Whereas T2 is an issue with insulin resistance : their insulin doesn't work as well as it should. Typically T2s start out with high insulin production but long term they can have low production.

But my understanding is that a lot of the T2 oral meds are designed to help with the insulin resistance, and weight loss can be a side effect for some of them. There are plenty of T2s who aren't overweight and either use oral meds or manage with diet.

Welcome (back) to the forums. (I see you last posted in 2019).


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Well I can do one better I'm classed as Type 1/2 as I'm on the border line of both and in the middle and I'm on insulin and have been since I was diagnosed 34 years ago and I was classed as Type 1 then and then they turned around a year later and said I was Type 2 so now I don't care as long as I get taken care of and my diabetes is looked after and I'm able to look after myself and try not to go into hospital as much with DKAs as they are the only thing that does me now but otherwise I am okay now since my last DKA