Jazz Wavesense


GP surgery changed over to the above - the one that doesn't use an app and the one that does. I've got the one that uses an app. I'm constantly being asked to sync the thing even after I've just sync-ed it two minutes ago. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong. It says that it's paired ok. When I sync it it says it's synced but then again, a few minutes later (or an hour or so later it asks me to sync it - tis very annoying. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Sorry I've never heard of it, but hope someone else will see your post and be able to help you.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Radio 1.
I Use wavesense jazz, the one without the app. I was told my surgery moved me to this one as the strips are cheaper.
Have you tried the customer care line?
Have you tried uninstall/install?
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I use the SD Code Free meter, and have done for a few years. As far as I’m concerned it’s pretty accurate, and most importantly as I was paying for it myself, inexpensive.
My GP’s nurse (not a DSN) insisted I started using this Jazz my meter and then gave it to me free of charge.
First reading I got from the machine was 32.5, which freaked me out, if that was true I should have been on my way to hospital. The nurse shrugged her shoulders and said ‘that’s high’, come back in 2 weeks ????
I went home and rechecked myself with my Code Free, it was high and nothing like the Jazz reading so I called the Customer Advice line. They were very good, we went through a whole bunch of tests (using up my test strips - which they sent out a replacement batch).
It seems that the Jazz will pick up any minute form of contamination and give false readings, so your hands must by scrupulously clean before using it. Not ideal if you haven’t got those facilities immediately to hand, and more importantly, if you have used hand gel at any time close to your test.