Just Been Told Reactive Hypoglycemia


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, I have been told today that I will be taking Metformin for reactive hypoglycemia. I may sound crazy but this is a bit of a shock
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Don't worry, there are a few of us here with RH, and we have our own sub-board on the forum,
So have a read, and ask anything you like.

It IS a shock, but almost all of us have found that diet is the key, and most of us manage extremely well, virtually eliminating our hypos, and eating WELL, so please, come and join us. :)
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi, I have been told today that I will be taking Metformin for reactive hypoglycemia. I may sound crazy but this is a bit of a shock

Hi, as Brun says have a look around and learn how to control RH!
If you can understand what is happening, then you can get your head around how your life will improve with just dietary changes.

I would also question the need for metformin. As my endocrinologist and doctor immediately stopped them because of the hypos.

Have you an endocrinologist, if not have you been referred?
It's important to get specialist help, even though we will help you.

Ask away, it's good to have you in our unique club
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
i saw the Endocrinologist at the hospital , it was he who said i should take the Metformin... thanks for your kind words. |I will try not to be a pest with questions, thanks for the links too.x

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I want you to become a pest, because that way you can learn how to control your RH.
The only stupid question is the one not asked.

Best wishes.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
i saw the Endocrinologist at the hospital , it was he who said i should take the Metformin... thanks for your kind words. |I will try not to be a pest with questions, thanks for the links too.x

Hi and welcome to the forum.

We're a small group but seem to be growing in numbers. Please ask as many questions as you like. Believe me, you can't be more of a pest than I was in the early days! The guys on here are very patient and full of good advice based on their own experience and research.

I wouldn't be doing as well as I am today without their guidance, advice and most of all support and understanding. So please ask away. Without support from the medical profession (unfortunately many have very little knowledge or RH) it can feel like a very lonely, frustrating and scary place to be. Finding this forum was a god send for me and I can't thank the guys enough.

We will all help you in any way we can.

Best wishes
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, thank you for your comments. Well I start prolonged release metformin today... And my low carb way..can I ask how much carbs I should be looking at per day, or is it a case of cutting right back?


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, thank you for your comments. Well I start prolonged release metformin today... And my low carb way..can I ask how much carbs I should be looking at per day, or is it a case of cutting right back?

We are all very different. I believe @Kaz261 is at over 100g a day (correct me if I am wrong, Kaz?) while Nosher doesn't count at all, and I roughly fall in the 20g-50g range, but I only go up to 50g on high days and holidays. lol.

For me, the biggest factor is not the number of grams, but rather what the foods are.
I can eat unlimited amounts of green veg, and foods with fibre, but give me something like Pringles or a slice of toast, and I spike and drop really quickly, even if the carb grams only add up to 20 or so.

It will take some experimentation, but you will quickly learn what constitutes your personal comfort zone. :)
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I decided back when ever to go really low and because I was in a bad way and I was bouncing around all over the place with my bloods.
You have to find by experimenting and testing, which is your happy place, you will find it, as your bloods stay around the normal range. And your health takes a turn for the better, you get really good energy levels. And you get a clear mind.
We all have different tastes and even our own environment and body needs are so widespread.

However, I'm rambling again.

Take it easy, nice and steady, drop gms and plate size, eat more full fat and drink water, copious amounts at first as believe it or not, drinking a lot of water will help with your diet and weight loss especially in the warm weather. Exercise a little more, just have a little walk after meals, this helps in gradually dropping blood glucose levels. Test, test, test!
Let us know how you are doing.

Best wishes.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi everyone hope your all ok...Not been able to get on forum for absolutely ages so glad to be back on..
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
We are all very different. I believe @Kaz261 is at over 100g a day (correct me if I am wrong, Kaz?) while Nosher doesn't count at all, and I roughly fall in the 20g-50g range, but I only go up to 50g on high days and holidays. lol.

For me, the biggest factor is not the number of grams, but rather what the foods are.
I can eat unlimited amounts of green veg, and foods with fibre, but give me something like Pringles or a slice of toast, and I spike and drop really quickly, even if the carb grams only add up to 20 or so.

It will take some experimentation, but you will quickly learn what constitutes your personal comfort zone. :)

As Brun says, I can get away with approx 100g of carbs per day. Although I don't count anymore, so could be a little more.

Again, I agree with Brun in that it's more the type of carb than quantity. If I were to eat a white bread sandwich or white rice or pasta (oohs, how nice would that be!), I would spike very quickly and drop quick too. Give me a small amount of wholegrain pasta or rice with a decent amount of protein and fat and I'm fine however.

It's all about experimenting and testing to see what you can tolerate.

All the best
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Well-Known Member
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Don't have diabetes
Please be careful with metformin it depletes b12 in the blood which is critical for many enzymatic reactions but also insanely aids in blood sugar control. You see the cycle.... Take metformin, deplete b12 and blood sugar balance becomes harder so you need more metformin or worse insulin! If you are taking it insisted b12 and folate are checked regularly
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Kathy Marks

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
Diet only
Has anyone tried Metformin for reactive hypoglycemia. My doc recommended a low dose. I've been managing my BG with 3 meals and snacks. I stay aroung 100-120g of complex carbs. My AC1 is now 5.7. I try to space out meals and manage spikes.