Just Diagnosed T2 on Dec 28, 2017 and Cured!


Hi Everyone I was Just Diagnosed on Dec 28, 2017. A1C of 10.7% and Fasting Glucose of 262! Terrified as I was once married to a T1 I went to the Doc and He put me on Metformin 500 mgs 2Xday. Made my belly hurt and made me tired. I had my FBG down to the low 100s. He said to stay on the meds til Im under 100 for Two weeks. That never Happened so I wondered about my meter? I bought a freestyle Precesion Neo. Better but still 103 at times. So I searched the net and found a cure or as some may say remission. What is it? Fasting. I fasted 21 days with water only. Then 3 more 4 day fasts. Quit taking the Metformin at the beginning. Fasting Blood sugars went to the 80s. Yes. Started eating again Fasting Blood sugars in the low 90s every day and no more than 130 Two hours after eating. It worked! I lost 45 lbs in 90 Days and my A1C was 5.6% on 3/29/2018. Fasting does work if you have the willpower to not eat. Way easier than quitting smoking. Im now at 223 Lbs and need to get to 200 lbs so Ive just started fasting again for 14-21 days. My Diabetes is Gone! My BP is 110/70! I'm not Obese anymore and My COPD is Much Better. I attribute breathing better to my blood sugars being normal as it was like Syrup according to the Nurse who drew it on my diagnosis test. Latest A1C is now Normal at 5.6%. I have to thank Dr Jason Fung for my success! Search him on the net for "The two big lies of T2 Diabetes". He has answers that work. Say good bye to Sugar & Carbs for a while if you want to live. Change your diet to a Low Carb/ High Fat Diet as I did. Not to say I won't have treat every now and then. But I will never go back to six pack of sodas every day and Carbs at every meal. Hope that my testimony will help a few. Be Brave try to fast for 3 weeks for a lifetime cure if you don't go back to the foolishness of the Past. Cheers PK!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Wow, really well done - I'm in awe at 21 days of fasting.


It worked No meds now A1C 5.6% fasting BG is 85 today on the 3rd day of fasting. Trying to nail the coffin shut and get my weight to 200lbs. So happy it worked. I was scared as I was married to a T1 for 22years. No More sodas ever for me.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
It worked No meds now A1C 5.6% fasting BG is 85 today on the 3rd day of fasting. Trying to nail the coffin shut and get my weight to 200lbs. So happy it worked. I was scared as I was married to a T1 for 22years. No More sodas ever for me.

How tall are you (just for context)?
200 lbs is a lot different if you are 4 foot or 7 foot tall.:)

Well done you - rapid weight loss is one of the best ways to undo the main causes of T2 diabetes;that is fat around the liver and pancreas.

I certainly couldn't face a water fast for that long.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My Diabetic nurse
Hi Everyone I was Just Diagnosed on Dec 28, 2017. A1C of 10.7% and Fasting Glucose of 262! Terrified as I was once married to a T1 I went to the Doc and He put me on Metformin 500 mgs 2Xday. Made my belly hurt and made me tired. I had my FBG down to the low 100s. He said to stay on the meds til Im under 100 for Two weeks. That never Happened so I wondered about my meter? I bought a freestyle Precesion Neo. Better but still 103 at times. So I searched the net and found a cure or as some may say remission. What is it? Fasting. I fasted 21 days with water only. Then 3 more 4 day fasts. Quit taking the Metformin at the beginning. Fasting Blood sugars went to the 80s. Yes. Started eating again Fasting Blood sugars in the low 90s every day and no more than 130 Two hours after eating. It worked! I lost 45 lbs in 90 Days and my A1C was 5.6% on 3/29/2018. Fasting does work if you have the willpower to not eat. Way easier than quitting smoking. Im now at 223 Lbs and need to get to 200 lbs so Ive just started fasting again for 14-21 days. My Diabetes is Gone! My BP is 110/70! I'm not Obese anymore and My COPD is Much Better. I attribute breathing better to my blood sugars being normal as it was like Syrup according to the Nurse who drew it on my diagnosis test. Latest A1C is now Normal at 5.6%. I have to thank Dr Jason Fung for my success! Search him on the net for "The two big lies of T2 Diabetes". He has answers that work. Say good bye to Sugar & Carbs for a while if you want to live. Change your diet to a Low Carb/ High Fat Diet as I did. Not to say I won't have treat every now and then. But I will never go back to six pack of sodas every day and Carbs at every meal. Hope that my testimony will help a few. Be Brave try to fast for 3 weeks for a lifetime cure if you don't go back to the foolishness of the Past. Cheers PK!
you mentioned 'sodas'.... you from Northern Ireland?


I'm 6'-0" They say I should weigh 185 max. but I weighed 195 as a senior in HS. I wasn't fat at all. Drummer in rock bands. So my goal is 200. Im on day 3 of a 14 day fast. Then back to a Low Carb High Fat Diet until 200lbs then I can have a treat or two a month. I will change my lifestyle for good. Don't want to go blind or have my feet cut off. I know how bad it can get. I am doing great with losing 45lbs.