just want a bit of reassurance


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I have manged after a lot of persuasion and determination to get my daughter a pump. Her training starts in 2 weeks time. I am scared that I am going to get it right. The diabetic team have assured me that because she is less than a year diagnosed we are not so set in patterns/routines that we will adapt quickly. That aside I think it is the fear of the unknown. I feel that I have got to grips with the multiple injections but I know it is not the best for her. Am I being rational in my fear or will it really not take long to get the hang of it?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Getting hang of it will not be a prob.

Just be aware though that mastering the control is not as easy.... There will be increased tests and thigs to do, BUT I believe it can give better freedom for a responsible child long term.

Have a look at ... I believe the posting is by Stoney.. Not all children want all the tests, wearing it and other stuff.... However it is much better at dealing with life's changes than injections are.

I'm sure you will find it hard work initially, but your daughter will have bettr health and freedom from using it..


Well-Known Member
Hi donnellydogs thanks for the reply. Being a bit dopey here how do you look up a member went into member at top of page and was faced with loads of s members at page 8 and no result think there must be an easier way.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Tap on tbe persons 'alias name' on their postings and that will give you a number of options to choose from.. Ie send private message (pm) or view their postings etc...

By way how old is your daughter. I try to help up a mum to a diabetic 9yr old girl. We never met in person but regularly text n talk through problems.

Start of hols and going back to school throws kevels completely out. By the end of the first week she mote stabilised, but can be hell for Mum thru worry.