Leg Feels Like It Will Burst Open


Well-Known Member
Hi folks, as well as having this darned chest infection which is getting better slowly my legs have been swelling badly especially my right one which I had ankle fusion on 5-6 yrs ago. This leg gives me gyp at the best of times, but with not being able to sleep in bed cos of the chest and have my leg raised it has massively swollen and got like a rash which looks like a bite on it and the skin feels so tight and its painful to touch in areas it just feels like it could burst. Every time I ask my gp all he says is because I'm diabetic he can't give me anything for it and I've just gotta put up with it. Is there any alternative treatment I can get that will help it. If I could use a saw properly I'd cut the **** thing off it does my head in. I used to have cellulitis and was on duretics, but he says I can't have anything like that now but I've got to get some relief from it. Can anyone recommend anything??
Thanks in advance


PS: I keep checking to see if its getting hot as someone said that's a sign of dvt, and it seems to be ok from that but I'm at a loss from sanity again

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
I don't quite understand why your GP will not give you a diuretic as many diabetics take diuretics for other health problems. There may, in your own medical history, be a specific reason that you cannot have diuretics, get the doctor to clarify this.

Please go back and get a second opinion on this as it sounds like it needs treatment.


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Since I attended a lecture by Professor Ian Rowlands on New foods, I have been so impessed by what I learned, I'd try Yakult for any problem. There is a low sugar version[with blue caps] It wouldn't do any harm and just might help. If yours is a circulation problem, the pain you feel may prevent much exercise, but here are seated exercises, which could be helpful. or wrapping the leg in cold wet towels miht get the circulation going again.
Definitely do go pester the GP though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Hana, & Sue
It turns out its phlebitis I have which quashed the fears I had that it was DVT, I can't understand why he won't give me them neither as I was on them for about 2 yrs a few years ago before I was db for my cellulitis which made them swell quite badly and painfully, then he said I had been on them too long and he's n ever let me have them since, though saying that it did clear up until becoming diabetic, but its his stock answer for everything can't have it cos of diabetes. I'm on simvastatin, ramipril, metformin, and take ordinary painkillers as I can't take declofenic as it gives me bad guts, I was surprised today he's given me a couple of tubes of cream, so perhaps miracles happen lol 8)