Libre 3 on prescription...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
As long as I can see the graph the logbook reading is not needed.
You need the reading to show to your Diabetic Nurse. But the good thing is they are able to link in and view and print out the reading from your account online called Libre View.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
My understanding is slightly different, but may be wrong!

There are readings taken every minute. These are now displayed. The system has always taken 15 minutes worth and created a 'smoothed' value. These 15 minute values are sent to LibreView. This can be checked by downloading the data from LV.

The 1 mute values are displayed on the screen, but only while the BT connection is good. If you have a signal loss there will be a gap. The suggestion is that if you do a scan within the 8 hour buffer on the sensor, it will fill the gap.

I might test this theory by not scanning for over 8 hours and see if a gap occurs on LV.

Any thoughts?

It does fill in the gap when you scan. The only thing is that after Midnight it starts a new date.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Just curious pcarl as to why you are prescribed 4 boxes a month when they last 14 days each .
My GP started to give them to me like this when I was prescribed them. That means I have spare in cause it falls out which does happen if you knock your arm or just becomes loose.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Yes I am aware of this and have requested any that fall out back from Abbott. But my GP give me 4 every time I request a repeat prescription.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

The above is true I have Libre 2 sensor and it does take reading every minute which is a big improvement. The only downside is that is does not log the reading for you. You still have to scan to have it logged in your log book in the app.
If you go into the reading by add note just comment with a number and save reading stored.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I get my Libre 2 on prescription. I get 4 boxes a months. I'm type 2
You GP may not be aware that Abbott will replace any Libre sensors that get dislodged. Once you tell the GP that you only need two Libre every 28 days, the GP will be able to give another person a NHS prescription of Libre sensors.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Thanks for your reply. I would prefer to keep my prescription as they are. This way it is less visit to the chemist to pick them up. Plus I can get replacement from Abbott if if need to. When I get replacements I don't have to get a prescription.
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Thanks for your reply. I would prefer to keep my prescription as they are. This way it is less visit to the chemist to pick them up. Plus I can get replacement from Abbott if if need to. When I get replacements I don't have to get a prescription.

I hope that doesn’t mean you are wasting two sensors a month. If everyone did that it would be more than annoying for those of us that have to self fund. By changing to just the needed two for each person the NHS could allow twice as many people to have them on prescription.

presumably you actually just collect your prescription every two months.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I hope that doesn’t mean you are wasting two sensors a month. If everyone did that it would be more than annoying for those of us that have to self fund. By changing to just the needed two for each person the NHS could allow twice as many people to have them on prescription.

presumably you actually just collect your prescription every two months.
No I don't waste them as I need them. When I'm on the 3rd one I request a repeat prescription. That how I have always done it. I rather have spare then run out. Your right I could order every two months. Sometimes I don't need to order for a while.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type

Type 2 can get Libre 2 or Dexcom. I get the Libre 2 on prescription. You can set reminders on it.
Thankyou for your answer. Do I request this via my DSN or will my gp be able to give me it? I am still awaiting an appointment since I posted my initial question on here. I feel I may have slipped off the radar so to speak. Everything was moving fast when they suspected type 1 now they have diagnosed type 2 I am yet to get another appointment with either the DSN or my consultant. It doesn’t help that they are all due to strike this week but that’s understandable and I can wait until all that is over I’m just confused as to who to ask for one.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Thankyou for your answer. Do I request this via my DSN or will my gp be able to give me it? I am still awaiting an appointment since I posted my initial question on here. I feel I may have slipped off the radar so to speak. Everything was moving fast when they suspected type 1 now they have diagnosed type 2 I am yet to get another appointment with either the DSN or my consultant. It doesn’t help that they are all due to strike this week but that’s understandable and I can wait until all that is over I’m just confused as to who to ask for one.
I had an appointment with the Consultant who made the appointment with the Diabetic Nurse for an assessment. I was then given the Libra 2. A letter was given to me so I could request a repeat prescription from my GP.


Hi all,

I have just been to my Diabetic Nurse (DSN) and I have to say the team I see are great about the only people in the NHS that need a pay rise... a story for another time!

The team had said when I queried about the Libre 3 that it is not available on the NHS due to cost, whilst the Dexcom One I am using is perfectly fine it does have its shortfalls, below I will list these:

Dexcom One
Initialization time: 2 hours
Duration of the sensor: 10 days
Size: considerable larger than a Libre 3
Packaging/Applicator: is huge, transmitter is added after application
Available on NHS: YES

Apart from these it works exactly as it should no having to scan with a reader or phone like Libre 2, which sometimes misses and you have to wait 10 minutes before trying again.

Libre 3
Initialization time: 1 hours
Duration of the sensor: 14 days
Size: tiny and thin
Packaging/Applicator: a single package, transmitter is included in applicator
Available on NHS: NO

This should work as good as the Dexcom One but I have not tested this so any thoughts would be appreciated. But it looks like the Libre 3 wins on the three most important counts.

My team was happy with the technology that is available to diabetics and said in my case it works and my recent results have proven this and that the NHS should remove all of the bureaucracy as diabetics know what works for them and what does not.

The team had also indicated that this was down to cost, to which I replied why don't I get the opportunity to pay the difference in price between the two, which would be way below £50. Th NHS is dictating to us what we can have and they should not!

My team suggested that I contact my local MP and explain this to him!
Hi I live in Manchester under MRI diabetes centre my nurse is absolutely amazing. I was on libre 2 she said I fit the criteria and I now get Libre 3 posted directly from the NHS.
It’s a serious game changer I have no hypo awareness and had a couple of admissions with DKA best thing ever I wonder if it’s area based I get everything I need I’m on an insulin pump first patient on a pump for MRI
Hope you get it soon without contributing payment to it.


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I’ve recently had a months trial of the Libre 2 from my DSN but I’m not entitled to have it on prescription as I don’t fall into Nice Guidelines for a Type 2 to have it on prescription despite injecting multiple times a day.
I have to self fund for it, which I think is a little unfair but maybe they might change the guidelines again one day!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
T2 and PAF & now Haemochromatosis!
I happened upon a YouTube film, a chap comparing all of them. Very useful. I decided that if and when I need on I’d go for Libre 2

Duncan Lord


The above is true I have Libre 2 sensor and it does take reading every minute which is a big improvement. The only downside is that is does not log the reading for you. You still have to scan to have it logged in your log book in the app.
That is true, but you can also screen shot the relevant parts ie Daily Graphs, daily patterns and TITR.
Plus the hospital should have the details on Libre View, if you have connected your Libre Link to them.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I’ve recently had a months trial of the Libre 2 from my DSN but I’m not entitled to have it on prescription as I don’t fall into Nice Guidelines for a Type 2 to have it on prescription despite injecting multiple times a day.
I have to self fund for it, which I think is a little unfair but maybe they might change the guidelines again one day!

It can be difficult to get the Libre 2 on prescription. I'm sure in time guidelines will change. Pricking your finger will be replaced with the Libra or
That is true, but you can also screen shot the relevant parts ie Daily Graphs, daily patterns and TITR.
Plus the hospital should have the details on Libre View, if you have connected your Libre Link to them.

Thanks for your reply back. They are able to view and print of when I attend my appointments. I was just concerned about my reading I should be scanning and recording on the app. I have been advised that I should be scanning 10 times a day.