Libre scans per day?


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I now do zero scans.
Juggluco feeds to libreview, so my health team still get my data.
I then use Xdrip to feed to my watch.
I look at my watch a lot!
I'm aware that when I'm in conversation with people I will look at my watch. They must think I'm very impatient and rude!


I used to be sparing on my scans, feeling guilty, almost thinking it was like another blood test and oh no not another one.
9 months on now, I just scan more and more, it's so much easiear to flatten the bg levels out.
Maybe 30 scans per day now.
What are others doing?
Hi Zinadane yes I scan about 25 times a day mainly because it fluctuates a lot of doing any sort of exhaustion.
So far my levels are pretty good.
Merry Christmas to you .
Cheers Swany


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They must think I'm very impatient and rude!
:) Totally get that - sometime explain that I'm checking my BG if people think I want to leave / them to leave etc - but massive leap forward not having to scan, plus the alarms are life saving at night if my BG drops.

Now running fully closed loop - so checking my watch less than ever, hoping at some stage to get away from a smartwatch from time to time and wear a nice watch my wife bought me - fingers crossed I'll feel relaxed enough to do that in the next 6 months or so


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I use my Libre 2 with my I phone and am forever tapping my phone so when I go onto sensor usage it is not unusual for it to say 200 - 300 scans per day !


Well-Known Member
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High and low sugar levels!
I use my Libre 2 with my I phone and am forever tapping my phone so when I go onto sensor usage it is not unusual for it to say 200 - 300 scans per day !
I must admit that many scans would drive me scatty! Have you considered 3rd party software so you can get cgm from your libre 2?


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I must admit that many scans would drive me scatty! Have you considered 3rd party software so you can get cgm from your libre 2?
Sorry might of misled you a bit , my Libre is working as a cgm , when you go into sensor usage the scans per day figure is just how many times I have tapped the phone on button not physical scans ,that would not do my dicky shoulder a lot of good ,:)
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Yeah, the Libre 2 has a Bluetooth fuction making it a standalone CGM with the reader or your device.
Every 5 minutes an update. & alarms if things go wayward.
My alarms most of the time dnt even go off,,when you can feel it’s going low and scan and it shows low then it may go off
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I used to be sparing on my scans, feeling guilty, almost thinking it was like another blood test and oh no not another one.
9 months on now, I just scan more and more, it's so much easiear to flatten the bg levels out.
Maybe 30 scans per day now.
What are others doing?
I have not long started using Lebra 2 sensor and I'm scanning every few minutes because it keeps loosing signal I don't want to go back the finger pricking again


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Zero scans here too - wanted CGM long before 'those Abbott boys' admitted it would bluetooth every 5 mins - so went down the miaomiao and xDrip route to get BG on my watch

Now still using xDrip but direct connection to Libre 2, then sending that data to AndroidAPS for the watch data.

Still amazes me how far we've come in less than 10 years - after sooooo many stuck in the technology 'dark ages' of diabetes


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Just gone from Libre 2 to Dexcom One.
I have now managed to get X Drip to pick up the receiver and reconfigured G Watch/X Drip to collect and send data to watch.
Working well so far


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Well overnight, xdrip never missed a single reading.
It took some research to get the G Watch working but it's spot on.
Entering calibrations yesterday has meant the 5 blood meter readings I took have been within 0.5 of a unit compared to x drip.
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I have not long started using Lebra 2 sensor and I'm scanning every few minutes because it keeps loosing signal I don't want to go back the finger pricking again
Even if you have to scan it's still got to be better than going back to finger pricks hasn't it ?


Active Member
I used to be sparing on my scans, feeling guilty, almost thinking it was like another blood test and oh no not another one.
9 months on now, I just scan more and more, it's so much easiear to flatten the bg levels out.
Maybe 30 scans per day now.
What are others doing?
Don't forget if you are within range, it is constantly scanning on it's own, you don't need to do an actual scan.


Active Member
Even if you have to scan it's still got to be better than going back to finger pricks hasn't it ?
Assuming you are using a smart phone to scan, have you got it in a case?, and is anything else in the case ( my wife has all sorts as the case acts as a sort of wallet. I know with mine the libra is more likely to scan through a single layer of the case, if the front is folded right round so it becomes a double layer it struggles to scan.


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I used to be sparing on my scans, feeling guilty, almost thinking it was like another blood test and oh no not another one.
9 months on now, I just scan more and more, it's so much easiear to flatten the bg levels out.
Maybe 30 scans per day now.
What are others doing?
I generally scan about twenty five times per day and try to keep my carbohydrate intake fairly low too, always avoiding refined ones unless blood sugar levels are low and dropping fast. Also I will use small corrective injections if sugar levels are rising too much. These combined give me pretty stable levels and my latest time in target was 97% with 3% high and zero low. Bad results for me are the low nineties but even then I am getting an average blood glucose level of 6.9 so I can’t really complain.

It could be argued that such a regime can start to take your life over a bit but having had diabetes for a long time now I have some clear signs of autonomic neuropathy and know that if things get much worse that wi have a far bigger impact on my life as well as reducing its length. So for me frequent scanning is a small price to pay for the health benefits. Everyone must do what they feel is best and are comfortable with and if scanning becomes an obsession that negatively impacts on life then it is not a great idea but if you perceive benefits from it and it allows you to get on with your life and gives you peace of mind then would say do a many scans as you like.


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This is interesting as i view/scan 58 times a day.....i thought wow i never realised but but but i started analysing my own
I use my phone alot for work calls and emails i text a bit and often check my steps app and everytime i switch it on i check my levels first.
I do it without thinking.
My last hba1c last month was 39 or 5.7 and i'm celebrating my 50th year of being a type 1 this year.
My time in range is 92%.

I work and drive and lead a normal life and i adore my libre and i'm not anxious about my diabetes as my control is sound.
In my humble opinion the only way to achieve this is by checking my levels and acting accordingly.

I saw a nurse not long ago and she was flapping when my alarm went off and my reading was 3.6 and she struggled to understand when i explained i had food on board and the libre is at least 20 minutes behind.
As i left her room ten minutes later i was 4.9 and i think she twigged.



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I was diagnosed almost 1,5 years ago and have been scanning the same amount of times then as I do now.
Using Libre 2, I scan 23-25 times per day unless I have a very good (less scans) or bad day (more scans). I find it comfortable and it puts me at ease :)
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I have to confess i do congratulate myself when having a good day with a good graph.

I hope this doesn't sound smug its just my way of dealing with it.

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