Losing the will!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey folks.

I have gestational diabetes (was diagnosed at 18 weeks am now 34) and am likely to have type 2 after pregnancy (how they know this I don't know!!). Anyway, my bG in the morning after breakfast has started to creep up. I eat a slice of wholemeal toast and a very small piece of fruit. Up until a few days ago this worked brilliantly for me and all of a sudden it's changed. What can I eat that's quick to make but good for bG? I'm really weird about texture so won't eat thing like porridge.

Anyone else long for the days where you could just walk in the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal of your choice?! I jest but its really frustrating me!!

Thanks in advance. Sharon xx


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
animal cruelty
On the days I have something cooked, I just have scrambled egg, or an omelette . Other days, I'll just have a handful of mixed nuts(not peanuts)

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Well-Known Member
Bristol, UK
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Yes, I miss being able to just grab a bowl of cereal, some toast or a sandwich. All of which I now avoid or have to be careful of the size.

Eggs have become my friend as they are quick and easy to knock up into an omelette or scrambled egg or a frittata type thing.

Some fruit is ok (in moderation, boo, I used to be a real fruit monster too). Fruit mixed with Greek yoghurt is another quick & easy breakfast (check the pot for the yoghurt carbs as they can vary a lot, I find Greek usually a good option)

Good luck!

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Hemel Hempstead
Don't eat fruit or fruit juice for breakfast, they contain fast sugars so will increase your BG swiftly but also drop shortly after. I was told by my nurse that drinking fruit juuice is like drinking full fat coke! You want something with long-acting carbs, like wholemeal toast but avoid sugary toppings. (everyone is going nuts for avocado on toast right now!)
Porridge is really good if you can bring your self to try it. I like millet flake and flax seed porridge with seeds and flaked almonds and a little bit of cinnamon. it's much less lumpy than normal porridge and easier to digest.
I'm also a big fan of blueberry wheats cereal from Tesco - totally contradicts my assertion to avoid fruit for breakfast but the carbs are actually very low in sugar but good for long acting carbs, so is ideal for breakfast and taste scrummy too.
Eggs on toast will also be a winner everytime!
Good luck.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Is a salad acceptable for breakfast. I haven't tried it myself but I frequently have one for my evening meal. Matteson's smoked pork sausage is already cooked so only needs a quick friz in the microwave if you don't like it cold. To my delight the other day I bought a tin of corned beef as a treat for my salad and found it was only 1% carbs. OK, it smelled of fish and may have been horse but it went down well. Eggs have already been mentioned

So you could have:-

Sausage (matteson's) and egg.
Sausage salad
Corned beef salad