losing weight


since being on insulin i seem to have put weight on and would love to lose about two stone anyone got any ideas i eat fresh vegetables and fruits and things and consider i eat helthily but the pounds will not come off any ideas ??


Well-Known Member
It's not easy being on insulin! If you can reduce the amount of insulin you need you will find it easier to lose weight. You can do this by reducing the amount of carbs you eat. Obviously eating healthily and exercising well will help. Try low GI foods too - they will help keep your sugars stable and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Stick at it and good luck :)


It's really a challenge to lose weight. :( Now i'm trying to be totally motivated with exercise, and healthy diet. I'm into sugar-free diet. Sugar free diet is the method of not using or putting sugar on all of your oral intakes. Instead, you are using natural sweeteners. I'm using Natvia. I like this one cause it has low calorie content. I'm being healthy and fit at the same time.


Well-Known Member
My understanding of insulin use is limited, but my understanding is if you reduce your carbs, you can then reduce the insulin, and this will help with weight loss. I hope this helps.

By the way, be careful what fruit and veg you eat, things like banana's, grapes, melons are usually higher carb, but things ending in berry are usually fine. Try to make up the bulk of your veg with things grown above ground, as they are usually lighter in carbs too. Cutting the carbs, really will help your weight loss, once you can begin to reduce your insulin.

Good luck.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
How much/quickly you can change your diet will depend very much on the type of insulin you are using.
If you use separate insulins, one for the background and a rapid one for meal time and you have worked out your carb/insulin ratios then you can reasonably easily adjust the insulin you take for the meal.
If you are using a mixed insulin two or three times a day then you have to take care .
If you reduce the carbs and not the insulin you may have hypos, if you reduce the insulin along with the carbs then you may not have sufficient background insulin to keep your levels stable between meals.
What sort of insulin are you using?


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
My husband is T1 and haas gained LOADS of weight throught the years. He's cut back a bit on carbs and in parallel with that on his insulin, which is about half what it was a couple of years ago. He's still finding it hard to lose anything.
We have to remember that insulin is the weight gain hormone.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people
hanadr said:
My husband is T1 and haas gained LOADS of weight throught the years. He's cut back a bit on carbs and in parallel with that on his insulin, which is about half what it was a couple of years ago. He's still finding it hard to lose anything.
We have to remember that insulin is the weight gain hormone.

He probably needs to look closely at his diet and cut back on the calories he consumes.......it does work!

Layla Birch

The Dukan Weight loss program is one of the most recognized diet programs in France. It's really a protein-based eating habits created by French nutritionist as well as diet professional, Pierre Dukan. Although Dukan has actually been offering his diet program for more than thirty years, its reputation has increased since two thousand. His guide The Dukan Weight loss program is any best seller in France while promoting much more than ten million books around the world. The book has actually since been converted into fourteen languages and also released in thirty two countries.

[mod edit daisy1: link removed]


Well-Known Member
I agree with Defren and Phoenix - reducing carbs, being careful about your type of insulin before you make a choice.

And exercise as it tends to improve insulin sensitivity which also tweaks the carb-ratio a little bit (or much depending on your starting point).

I generally low carb but fit in a few 'sins' now and then. I do a lot of exercise. My daily calories are quite high compared to the normal diet recommandations, but low compared to what I usually would have, I suppose - averaging 1700 kcal, which should mean my weight is stable ish but I find it still drops.

I've lots in the area of 10 stone (yeah I was big), and the last probably 3 stone have been while on insulin - over about 4 months, so it's possible, but not always easy.

I try to push my muscle mass up a bit at the same time as I try to lose fat - heavy weights make my blood glucose rise a bit in the hour following exercise, but then it seems it has the most lowering effect afterwards. And the muscle seems to help burn more fat then later on.


Well-Known Member
Wow - ten stone?! That is really impressive, well done! I bet you feel great having lost all the weight and it must give you such a sense of achievement knowing that you have managed to do that!


Well-Known Member
jonuk07 said:
since being on insulin i seem to have put weight on and would love to lose about two stone anyone got any ideas i eat fresh vegetables and fruits and things and consider i eat helthily but the pounds will not come off any ideas ??

Following the Low GL rather than the low GI eating plan has for the first time enabled me to eat well 3 meals and two snacks a day yet have lost 2 st 5 lbs in 11 weeks. Its so easy to follow and has changed my life.


Here are some weight loss tips .
Use any diet plan as mentioned above.
Take exercise daily for 30 minuts.
Increase the use of water.
Decrease the use of fats and cholesterol it will help to you.
Increase the use of fruits and vegetables..

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soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
With careful monitoring of Bg and a sharp reduction in carbs, you might be able to reduce your insulin enough to lose weight.
My T1 husband has been ill now for about 4/5 weeks. He's eaten very little, reducing his insulin to match and has lost about 2 stones in that time. the weight just dropped off. It's stabilised now as he's getting better.
Include protein and omega-3 fatty acids at every meal, including snacks. Omega-3 essential fatty acids can be found in fish, nuts and beans. A great snack, for example, is half a pear and 10 walnuts, or half a cup of plain yogurt with almonds and raspberries. Get lots of fiber. Most people just don't get enough fiber in their everyday diet, but fiber is essential for healthy digestion. Getting enough fiber for your age and gender will help you clean the toxins out of your body and leave you feeling less bloated.


There are already share very useful tips. I think you should take low fat and carbohydrates in your diet. And also take an exercise daily. In your diet you can also take green tea or eat fresh fruits. Because these are really helpful to weight loss. According to me cycling and running is best exercise for this purpose.
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Active Member
Losing weight is common problem among people and there are lots of ways for losing weight. Try to figure out your most common exercise-related activities and make two letter codes for them. Add a few more activities to get you moving.